Kevin Drum has an excellent summary of Lott's cheating with his models and his attempt at a coverup. He concludes that Lott should be fired forthwith. Niraj agrees, as Tom Spencer.
Atrios says that Lott's work on the Florida election is even more dishonest than his "More Guns, Less Crime" work.
skippy is amused by Lott's apparent use of time travel. Tapped and buzzflash link here and send me many visitors.
Glenn Reynolds is wavering---he now says that he would quite reluctant to rely on Lott's work.
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Several people have commented on the latest developments. Atrios has resolved that Lott is a liar and a fraud. Kevin Drum has his usual nice summary. Jesse Taylor isn't really interested because he believes that Lott has already been discredited. Julian Sanchez and Chris Lawrence are…
Lindgren has updated his report. Main changes are the inclusion of a reply from John Lott and a dissection of Lott's new "Did I say three months? I meant one month. Yeah, that's the ticket!" claim.
Lots more people have blogged on this: Glenn Reynolds, Pejman Yousefzadeh, skippy,…
John Quiggin comments on the collateral damage the Lott affair has inflicted on Lott's allies and supporters. Chris Lawrence has an update to his earlier post. Tapped has a brief summary of the latest installment in the saga.
Julian Sanchez and Kevin Drum mention Lott's response,…
skippy comments on Lott's "coding errors". Tom Spencer thinks that Lott's days are numbered. Mike Spenis has written off Lott.
Chris Lawrence agrees that there were coding errors but argues that is easy to make such errors. I agree that such errors are easy to make, but, he did it…