100,000 visits

Site Meter says that I have now had 100,000 visits to this blog in just under a year. My thanks to everyone who has dropped by. It's gratifying to see such interest in my writings.


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Site Meter says that I have now had 200,000 visits to this blog. The post that attracted the most visits was the one I made a few days ago on think tanks and Open Source, with about 35,000 visits, mainly because of a link from Slashdot. My thanks to everyone who has dropped by.
Sitemeter says there have been 4,000,000 visits to this blog. My thanks to everyone who has dropped by.
Woo-hoo! Sometime yesterday, while I was in clinic, my Sitemeter hit 500,000 visits! Let's see, it took one year, five months, and two days to reach that level. When I started my blog I never imagined it would reach 100,000 visits, much less a half a million. (Of course, it takes PZ a little more…
I really should stop linking to these bozos, since they don't ever bother to link to any sites outside their incestuous coterie of jebus-wanking apologetics sites, but I cannot resist. Ken Ham is bragging about his web traffic, and it's rather pathetic. • In 2010, the Answers in Genesis main…