Chris Mooney in Sydney

Chris Mooney is giving a talk in Sydney this Tuesday.

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Chris Mooney, who is too damned young and handsome, was in Sydney yesterday (well for a few days before that) so I decided the decent thing was to fly down from Brisbane to meet him, given that he travelled across some small bit of water to get here. The astonishing thing was how much he found out…
Well, I'm off to Sin City, sorry, Sydney, tomorrow to visit Chris Mooney, who's giving a talk in that metropolis, and Tim Lambert, another Sb Scibling. But before I go, I just had to note this study on the effects of the gun buyback and stricter controls in Australia following the Port Arthur…
Here are the details on the talk I am giving with Chris Mooney tonight at Cal Tech. Also online are the syllabus and readings for the science communication workshop we are running on Tuesday. For readers in the Los Angeles area, we hope to see you tonight!
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