UD gets pwned


For a scene of pure hilarity and joy, get ye over to Uncommon Descent as they try spin the rejection of a "Evolutionary Informatics Lab" by Baylor University.

Yesterday, the Baylor University administration shut down Prof. Robert Marks's Evolutionary Informatics Lab because the lab's research was perceived as linked to intelligent design (ID).

Hah. Perceived as linked? It probably doesn't help to have Dembski linking it as his one example of an ID research program. That's a little damning. Continued:

Robert J. Marks II, Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Baylor, had hoped that a late-August compromise would save his lab, but the University withdrew from the previous offer yesterday morning. While President Lilley was not at the meeting, an insider senses his hand in the affair, noting that Lilley was the only person with the authority to overturn what the Provost, who was at the meeting, agreed to.

You see, when a Christian University, and a Baptist one at that, decides that ID is so distasteful and unscientific, that they won't even lend their name to an off-site, non-existent lab associated with ID, this is a dark day for the cranks. It's a real bind. Their usual refrain to events like these is to yell Conspiracy! Or even better yet, persecution! They're like Galileo! But they can't say that given how religious a university Baylor is. They can't turn on the Baptists after all, that's half of their constituency.

Denyse still manages to crazy it up, and her take is pretty crankerific, ranging from "thought control" to evil materialist conspiracies.

Fresh off of writing yet another premature "death of Darwin" post (how many of those a month do they need to reassure themselves their task isn't just a Sisyphean joke) entitled Why Darwin is Losing, she now has to explain why even a mainstream Christian university can't tolerate even a nod to ID. The explanation? Baylor is beholden to the evil secularists!

A typical "Christian" university like Baylor battens off the wealth of Christians who can afford college for their kids, on the understanding that it brokers the relationship between Christians and an increasingly hostile secular elite - an elite that often displays a general contempt for traditional religious freedoms.

The understanding is that - (a wink and a nod) - the real world is irrelevant to the pious fantasies of Christians. But in large parts of North America, for some unknown reason, Christians are a large, powerful, and affluent group. So they must be taught to adapt. A wink and a nod in many a faculty lounge, I am sure.

Christians must be educated in such a way that they present no threat to the secular establishment supported by their taxes, which makes the laws and rules they must obey.


Baylor's function is accommodating Christians to rule by materialists.

Ah, the materialists have struck again! If we teach people ID, they won't pay their taxes! That must be why we must maintain fierce control over Darwinism, it's an actuarial necessity! How quickly the crank turns to a conspiracy to justify any setback. They must never consider the possibility that any institution with any integrity would not allow denialists and cranks to infiltrate their ranks. People that re-publish textbooks with "creationism" replaced by "intelligent design" and who in response to this crisis published a fake letter from the president of Baylor which they subsequently have had to retract. What kind of moron would think that was a good idea? Did Baylor need any better proof that this is not a group of honest brokers, or people that should have access to students?

All I can say to all this crankery and is "Haw Haw", because if you can't even get a Christian school like Baylor to tolerate your religion masquerading as science, what have you got?


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Ha ha, fooled you! The Discovery Institute has just issued this on their blog, the inaccurately named Evolution News and Views: According to CSC senior fellow and leading ID theorist William Dembski, what follows is: "[A] big story, perhaps the biggest story yet of academic suppression relating…

Heh: "[Baylor] brokers the relationship between Christians and an increasingly hostile secular elite - an elite that often displays a general contempt for traditional religious freedoms."

Which might make one wonder: what does that have to do with Intelligent Design, since the folk at Uncommon Descent insist ID has no connection to religion, isn't creationism, isn't about God and isn't religiously motivated? So why all this about Christians, secularism and religious freedom?

Yep, I found those posts funny, too. If you want further proof that the UD community has absolutely no evidence for any of their positions, this was the perfect example:

Post #1: Darwinism is nearly dead. In its last gasps! It's nearly over!

Post #2: Only existing ID lab has just been shut down. It's a conspiracy!

It's a pity I got banned over there, because I wanted to point out the irony of those two posts...

factician - Like humor, irony is lost on UD denizens. They are the poster children for Those That Do Not Get It.

"...(how many of those a month do they need to reassure themselves they're task isn't just a Sisyphean joke)..."

"that their" not "they're"

I think you probably missed the post that got removed. It was by a sockpuppet called Botnik. In the comments (s)he wrote this:

Fork - I've been given administrator privileges, so I could remove your post, but my motto is 'once on the web, always on the web.'

I would give the link, but, well, you know what happened.

factician - The banning save you the effort of writing a post that would never have seen the light of day anyway.


... between Christians and an increasingly hostile secular elite ...

Someone needs to point out (again, probably) that "secular" does not mean "anti-Christian" (or anti-Muslim or anti-Hindu or anti-atheist or anti-whatevers). It means "separate from religion". Religion and secularism are not opposites. Secularism is 2+3=5 and whales are mammals and digital computers are powered by electricity and pay your taxes to Cesar and so on, stuff which is not inherently religious.

[the secular] elite that often displays a general contempt for traditional religious freedoms.

Another use of false opposites (it supposes "the secular elite" are not, and cannot be, religious). Interestingly, turned around (in a broad sense)--some religious elite often display a general contempt for freedom--then it's quite possibly true.

Christians must be educated in such a way that they present no threat to the secular establishment supported by their taxes, which makes the laws and rules they must obey.

I'll take representative democracy over a theocracy at all times, thank you very much!

I used to post a bit on UD, until I made the moderation blacklist. I think they base it on IP. Nothing I post gets through moderation now.

I do like one thing about UD - if you read aruond, they do publicly and openly admit that they have a policy of blocking any posts critical of ID during moderation. That makes it a blog of yes-men backing each other up while criticism is strictly forbidden, but at least the blog is *honest* about this. They dont make any pretense at being open or unbiased.

Post #1: Darwinism is nearly dead. In its last gasps! It's nearly over!

It will soon be replaced...by several copies of the same thing, each slightly different. Those which survive and thrive will spread and be altered slightly by their spreading, those which die out will never see the light of day. I will call this process of natural selection....Christography!

By IRONYMAN! (not verified) on 04 Sep 2007 #permalink

OT: I just noticed what a creepy, slimy banner UD has at the top of their page. Kinda appropriate.

By tourettist (not verified) on 06 Sep 2007 #permalink