Podcast #3

The latest edition is up at iTunes and Feedburner. Once again, I've failed to deliver the product I intended due to some difficult circumstances, but I promise some kind guests and some controversial guests in the future.


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Cure, no.

But there is a vaccine...

Hey PalMD, I'm really enjoying these podcasts so far. I'm still in high school, but this sort of stuff really gets me excited to enter medicine.

Please, don't stop making these!

I am listening to your first podcast right now.

I am struggling with mature restraint in commenting, but it is well known that I am overly full-up in the brain with oxytocins and prone to exclamations of glee.

With that in mind, I sincerely hope you will take it in the most positive, professional, platonic, and encouraging sense when I say, SQUEEEEE, You are SO ADORABLE!!!! :D

Now that that's out of the way, maybe I can form more constructive sentences. I really like your conversational manner and generally listener-friendly approach to your subject matter. Also, I really like hearing the voices of the bloggers I read! They're almost never the way I imagine them in my head, and somehow that makes me happy over the diversity and inherent wonderment of the human race. :) The podcast is a great extension of the blog-- I hope you can get the Hoofnagles on, among other controversial guests ;)-- and I look forward to future episodes!

PalMD: Can you upload the podcast early on Monday so I can grab it before I go to work?


Ok, fine. I'll try.