Stop Lurking Paul Krugman

Sometimes I'm reading essays in major newspapers and have to wonder if they've been reading denialism blog. Today, Krugman on Santorum:

Nor is this only about sex and religion: he has also declared that climate change is a hoax, part of a "beautifully concocted scheme" on the part of "the left" to provide "an excuse for more government control of your life." You may say that such conspiracy-theorizing is hardly unique to Mr. Santorum, but that's the point: tinfoil hats have become a common, if not mandatory, G.O.P. fashion accessory.

I just gave Santorum the tinfoil hat a few days ago!
Is Krugman lurking around here? C'mon Paul. Come out and say hi. Please?

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um... aren't you lurking on Paul Krugman's page?

By starskeptic (not verified) on 13 Feb 2012 #permalink

I never see Krugman comment anywhere, but it's not hard to get a gauge on who he's reading...

Reading isn't lurking...

By starskeptic (not verified) on 13 Feb 2012 #permalink

Yes it is.

"Lurking is the very common practice of reading an online or e-mail discussion without taking part in the discussion."

You seem awfully defensive, btw, are you secretly an asshurt Paul Krugman?

TylerD Lurking is a chat-room holdover-it has no meaning for any kind of reading material, that's like 'lurking' on a newspaper. And that wouldn't be an attempt at gay-bashing would it?

By starskeptic (not verified) on 13 Feb 2012 #permalink

I thought it was fairly well understood that a blog is just as much a discussion forum as it is a publishing forum.

"And that wouldn't be an attempt at gay-bashing would it?"
