So, how do you like the new look?

I can't take any credit for it. Nat Geo has transitioned us to wordpress. Please let me know in the comments if there are any problems with the new format or with commenting and I'll see what I can do to get things up to snuff.

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I think that the fact that your first comment is spam says it all. :-)

The drop down links to other blogs behaves erratically for me, jumping back to the top of the list randomly (in chrome) and several times the link Denialism blog took me to Deltoid's 10,000th comment post instead!

I can't seem to find the full "Denialists' Deck of Cards" post, only the series of post that talk about one or a few of the cards. Has Big Denialism finally managed to "disappear" the one place where I could find all of the information put together? (OK, it's still on, but seems like there should be a copy of it -- or at least a link to it -- here.)

I think the title looks so boring it could be used a drug free anasthetic. However that's just a quibble, apart from that I like the new layout.

Thank you for asking readers to comment. I have never commented on this blog, and only a few times on others, so I hope you won't mind my two cents regarding the new look: It Stinks.

From what I can see, there is no way to simply go to the comments of a thread from the main page, which I always appreciated once I had read the post and wanted to go to see what other readers had said. Such was a vital part of reading Respectful Insolence, for instance The dropdown menu of other blogs does not work (for me). There is no more the option to go to new threads on other blogs directly from one blog. The appearance is, frankly, terrible: boring to the point of being soporific.

The old format worked well, certainly well enough. The new format is a guarantee that Sb will lose traffic, and thus relevance, which would be terrible.