Bizarre Reasoning on Another Blog

The Great Separation recently posted an article with the headline "A New Hero Emerges and Plants Another 10 Commandments Monument". It then links to a Worldnetdaily article about Vernon Robinson, the Winston-Salem city council member who placed a 2000 pound monument with the Ten Commandments on it in front of city hall on Monday while it was closed for the Martin Luther King holiday. The monument was removed the next day at the city's expense because, obviously, Robinson didn't have the authority to put it there in the first place.

And here's the part that really amuses turns out that the city council passed an ordinance that banned plaques or monuments on city-owned facilities without permission from the city manager and the city council - and Robinson voted for that ordinance, which he conveniently forgot. Yes, he actually told the press that he didn't get permission because he didn't know the procedure. And if you believe that, you're hopelessly naive. Robinson, it turns out, is running for Congress from the great state of North Carolina, and it should be obvious to anyone with an IQ above room temperature that the whole thing was nothing but a cynical publicity stunt designed to put him firmly on the side of God and Righteousness in the election. But apparently that makes him a "hero" in the eyes of the author of that particular blog.

The Great Separation also carried a very strange report on the Hewlett Packard situation that I discussed a couple weeks ago. The title of that report was "Hewlett-Packard Co. Fires Christian" - as though they just found out he was a Christian and said, "Gosh, we don't want any Christians here" and fired him. And the report strikes the ideal martyr pose with this little tidbit:

But he's a Christian and his beliefs don't count for much I guess.

Sorry, but that's utter nonsense and totally ignores the facts of the case. He wasn't fired for being a Christian. He wasn't even fired for speaking out against the company's diversity policy - he had already written a letter to the editor of the local paper and put an anti-gay bumper sticker on his car and nothing was done to him. He was fired for refusing to take down a placard declaring that at least a portion of those he worked with (presumably there are at least some gay employees at such a large company) should be put to death. You really have to wonder how this author's persecution complex would deal with the situation were it reversed. If a gay employee put up a placard over his desk saying, "Christians are evil and should be killed" and they got fired for it, do you suppose The Great Separation would have written "But he's gay, so his beliefs don't count for much I guess"? Somehow I doubt it.

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