Basketball Corruption

I'm a huge college basketball fan, as some of you may know. It's the only sport I really watch religiously. In fact, the most holy of holidays - March Madness, Baby - are almost upon us, praise be to Alaa Abdelnaby (and if you get that obscure reference, you're either a major Duke fan like me or you have way too much time on your hands). Anyway, the University of Georgia last year fired one of the true scumbags of college coaching, Jim Harrick, due to all sorts of NCAA violations like paying players and fixing grades. Harrick has achieved the rare career trifecta of leaving 3 different schools in disgrace after violating multiple NCAA and university rules (Jerry Tarkanian was even worse, but he only managed to do that to two schools). One of the classes that many of his players took to keep their grades up was "Coaching Principles and Strategies of Basketball", a class taught by his son, Jim Harrick Jr. Yesterday, the University released the final exam for that class. It includes such mindbenders as "How many goals are there on a basketball court" and "What conference does the Georgia basketball team play in". Oh, and did I mention that these are multiple choice questions? To give you some idea of the possible choices, check out this one:

11. What is the name of the exam which all high school seniors in the State of Georgia must pass?

A) Eye Exam; B) How Do The Grits Taste Exam; C) Bug Control Exam; D) Georgia Exit Exam.

My personal favorite is number 8:

How many points does a 3-point field goal account for in a Basketball Game?

If someone misses that question, shouldn't we be able to, at the very least, revoke their right to vote?

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