Gay Marriage = Civil War? Frightening

I came across this blog while following links and all I can say is "wow". Ironically, it has the fluffy name "Sunny Days in Heaven" while its author seems to be advocating a civil war to stop the advance of civil rights for homosexuals. In a post yesterday on this blog, the author is discussing a National Review Online article that criticized right wing radio talk show host Dennis Prager for comparing the battle over same sex marriage with the battle against Islamic terrorism because both are vital for "the survival of civilization". Jonah Goldberg, writing on the NRO blog, took Prager to task for this comparison, saying that advocates of same sex marriage are not blowing up buildings or hijacking planes and that Prager is mistaking a metaphorical war with a literal one in comparing the two. Seems perfectly reasonable, right? Not to Mark Butterworth. In a bizarrely argued post, he says that we're headed for a literal civil war and he seems to be all for it, shaking his head at those "faint-hearted pundits" sitting in Georgetown congratulating themselves on their tolerance, who don't understand what really has to happen here:

Ideas are matters of life and death. The NRO neocons seem to think that no matter what happens, they can just keep tut tutting and writing columns wishing things were different.

It was often insisted upon that Christians revered life and thus condemned those few lone wolves who were going around trying to murder abortionists. Yet, as much as I deplore violence, I never could quite join the vehement chorus of horror that formed everytime an abortionist was killed.

And he finishes with:

The day is coming when this nation shall again convulse in spilt blood. To deny it is folly and ignorance. In fact, if this nation does not go to war with itself, it shall not survive as a nation. It shall go the way of Italy after the fall of Rome, and become balkanized.

The only other alternative to that disintegration is totalitarianism which is a possibility.

Well isn't that fun? Either we form a totalitarian government where we can stop those damn gay people from getting married, or we'll have to go to war and start killing people. The most frightening thing about this whacko is that he's not alone. There are lots and lots of people just like him who would not only contemplate violence, but commit it, in order to insure that their theocratic views will be imposed on us all.


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Thanks for the notice. I think we're going to hear more of this kind of talk during the next couple of decades.

However, I think you may be mistaken about Butterworth's point about totalitarianism. You seem to think that he is arguing that the anti-gay side of a civil war would have to resort to totalitarianism to keep the U.S. together and to prevent things such as gay marriage. But actually, I think he sees it the opposite way.

In another part of his commentary, Butterworth writes "...there is a fault line developing in the nation that can only lead to violence (civil war) if those who wish to defend their freedoms put their feelings into action is more than some pundits can imagine." This suggests to me that he aligns himself with the people "who wish to defend their freedoms", and who wish to do so beyond the conceptions of urbane establishment pundits.

I haven't read anything else from Butterworth, but I daresay he sees the pro-gay rights side as totalitarian. He may even be suggesting that to protect its "freedoms" (such as the "freedom" to deny gay rights) the Red Zone (or whatever) needs to secede.

I have encountered similar notions before. Most of it is just talk and speculation. But either I'm noticing it more or it's happening more. Hmmm...

What a wack job; thanks for alerting me to this nonsense. Those who want another civil war are as much enemies of this country as al Qaida.