Jen Shroder and Biblical Curses

Our intrepid correspondent, Jen Shroder, is rapidly moving up the charts to become our Idiot of the Year, if not decade. This just has to be seen to be believed - this woman is calling on Christians to swear curses against "liberal judges" to make them blind:

These actions are outrageous and worthy of curse. Oh yes, Christians can curse, may all the saints curse those who would pervert the righteous ways of the Lord, Phyllis Hamilton and U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who advocates lowering the age of consent to 12 years old. By the power of the Holy Spirit to cause these two women to be blinded, as Paul blinded Elymus in Acts 13, so do we curse all liberal judges who continue to pervert the right ways of the Lord.

Saints! Come out from among them, separate yourselves from such evil. "Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Jesus, Mat 18:18

And the angels have been binding and blinding those who have rejected the Holy Spirit in preparation of the end times. Pray with me now, for the binding and the blinding of these tyrannical liberal judges who have been spiritually crippling our children and raping our nation...

Lo! You judges, full of all recklessness and malignancy, you children of satan, you enemies of all righteousness, will you not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord? THIS LAND HAS BECOME CURSED, AND IT IS ON YOUR HEADS. MAY YOU BE BLINDED AS PAUL CURSED ELYMAS BY THE HOLY SPIRIT AND IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!

The phrase "first class nutjob" comes to mind, doesn't it?

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She is indeed a first class nutjob. Really.

She is clearly insane. Nominating her for Idiot of the Week is like a sportscaster using the Special Olympics highlights as video for his Baseball Blooper of the Week.

It just isn't fair.

She is clearly insane. Nominating her for Idiot of the Week is like a sportscaster using the Special Olympics highlights as video for his Baseball Blooper of the Week.

LOL. I nearly spit my iced tea all over the monitor with that one.

Insane? Yes.

Nutjob? Yes.

But not at all original since it was Pat Robertson who conducted a televised Curse-placing Prayer-a-thon on the Supreme Court Justices who ruled in favor of Lawrence in Lawrence v. Texas in 2003. He demanded that god curse them all with cancer and/or heart attacks or whatever it might be that the holy skydaddy had inhis big bag of tricks.

Old news.

Been there.

Heard the shit.

Don't want a CD thanks.

She should be placed right in there with Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity...still not sure about Bill O'Reilly