Speaking Truth to Power

After the last entry, I feel like I should at least point out the few people who actually are making an effort to find the truth about statements made by the politicians. There are two websites that come immediately to mind, both of which I link to under news sources on my sidebar - Spinsanity and FactCheck.Org. Both sites are non-partisan and both of them take the ads and pronouncements and talking points of the two major party candidates and check them for accuracy.

Kerry's claim that Bush enacted a "far reaching ban on stem cell research"? Flat out lie.

The Swift Boat Vets for Truth? Literally packed with false and unsupported statements.

Promises by both campaigns to cut the deficit in half? Here's why they're both using suspect math.

The claim that Bush said he wants to help companies outsource jobs? Another lie.

Those emails making the rounds about Teresa Heinz Kerry giving millions to terrorist groups? Completely false.

Yes, there are a few people in the media who actually do their job. Unfortunately, hardly anyone actually pays attention to them, which is exactly what the politicians are counting on.


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