Damn, I wish I'd said that

"The point is, if millions of heterosexual divorces every year have not hopelessly denigrated the institution of marriage, why would some thousands of same-sex marriages do so? If straights like reactionary radio commentator and drug-head Rush Limbaugh can get married again and again without undermining the institution, what is so threatening about a gay union? Does Limbaugh feel that gay marriage makes a mockery of all three of his past marriages---and his pending fourth? If anything, happy gays wanting to get into the institution might help make up for all those unhappy straights wanting to get out."

------Michael Parenti

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Perhaps we should amend the "marriage" amendment to outlaw multiple marriages by right-wing commentators. It'd only affect a few hundred people, but certainly it would improve the moral tone on the air by several times.

By Ed Darrell (not verified) on 28 Sep 2004 #permalink