Idiot of the Month?

Early in October, I entered Kelly Hollowell of the Worldnutdaily into the running for Idiot of the Month. Here's our second nominee: Jim DeMint, the Republican candidate for the senate in South Carolina. According to this little hillbilly Hitler-clone, gays and single mothers should not be allowed to teach in schools. Yes, he actually said that in the campaign. And on Meet the Press, when given a chance to retract that pearl of idiocy, he said he "regrets" having said it because it distracts attention from "real issues" like jobs and national security. And the worst part? He's leading in the Senate race. Is it any wonder that the whackos from Christian Exodus chose South Carolina as the state they want to take over and force to secede in order to establish a "Christian republic"? It sounds like they've got plenty of their kind there already.

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Would anyone really miss South Carolina? I say take it. Kill two birds with one stone.

By Matthew Phillips (not verified) on 19 Oct 2004 #permalink

South Carolina has among the lowest education, highest poverty, and highest religiousness of any state. It's terrible. That's why I support and encourage Christian Exodus. Go there. Take it. It's all yours.

Here's an idea. Let these Christian Exodus whack jobs force a SC secession from the Union. Then we tell Bush that SC has plans to develop weapons of mass destruction, and/or is harboring terrorists. Bush will launch a preemptive strike and bomb SC into oblivion. Then we re-annex SC and start with a clean slate. It's an offer that Bush can't refuse: imperialism right here in the lower 48.

As an alternative, and even better yet, we could get the Christian Exodus Nation of SC to appoint Bush as their ayatollah, and he could order a preemptive strike on himself before he takes office!

See? If you look long enough, you find a silver lining in every dark cloud.

In South Carolina's defense, DeMint's poll lead is not *that* strong, from what I last saw. In other words, there's a reasonable baby in the cracker bathwater.

FWIW, there is a self-described "libertarian" group that is proposing to move en mass to a state to try to take over state government and prove that libertarians can run a state. I believe their latest target is New Hampshire, but I'm not sure about that.

DeMint is something of a nut. But if the Christian Exodus people really do get a foothold there, what is Hilton Head (playground of the rich and famous) to do? Or BMW (which has an assembly plant there)?

Would anyone really miss South Carolina?

Those of us who live here probably would.

By Steve Reuland (not verified) on 20 Oct 2004 #permalink

DeMint is more than just an idiot, he's also a complete asshole. Listening to the debates with DeMint vs. Inez Tenenbaum, the Democratic nominee, DeMint has been as arrogant and snide as you could possibly imagine. He constantly accuses Inez of not understanding the issues, when he himself seems to be oblivious to the effects of his own tax plan. He actually claimed that his 23% (or 26, or 36, or whatever) national sales tax plan, which has about as much chance of passing as the We Love the Terrorists Act, wouldn't raise anyone's taxes. It's hard to imagine how people without incomes (retired persons, students, the unemployed, etc.) wouldn't see a tax increase with a sales tax hike vs. the income tax. And all this, on top of claiming that the tax overhaul is revenue neutral! What a clown.

A Republican candidate in SC should have little trouble winning this campaign. DeMint has only been barely ahead and even behind in a few polls; he whould be cleaning up if he weren't such a jerk and a dumbass.

It's a long-shot, but Inze can still pull it off.

By Steve Reuland (not verified) on 20 Oct 2004 #permalink

I also have the deep misfortune of living in South Carolina. I have only been here a few years (job relocation), and I consider myself to be in the most liveable part (Greenville), however, it is an understatement of great magnitude to say it is one of the most backwards places I have ever lived.

I concur with everything said by Steve about Demint.

The saddest part about the Inez campaign is that she is basically a republican in her professed viewpoints, and her commercials on the radio say 'please vote for me I do not follow the national party line on social issues etc'. Argh! So frustrating!

I also have the deep misfortune of living in South Carolina. I have only been here a few years (job relocation), and I consider myself to be in the most liveable part (Greenville)...

Greenville has some things going for it, but it's the fundie capital of SC, and is vying for the title of fundie capital of the entire southeast. Hosting Bob Jones University is one strike against it. Being home to Jim DeMint is another.

If liveability is inversely proportional to the fundie contingent, then Greenville is least liveable city of any size in SC. And by any other measure, I'd say Charleston is vastly more liveable.

The saddest part about the Inez campaign is that she is basically a republican in her professed viewpoints, and her commercials on the radio say 'please vote for me I do not follow the national party line on social issues etc'. Argh! So frustrating!

I agree. I'd like it better if Inez would just let herself be a normal Democrat and quit trying to pander to the Right. DeMint's forcing her to defend the Democratic party anyway, so she may as well do it with pride. During the last debate, DeMint's response to nearly every question was to attack John Kerry's position on something, regardless of whether or not it coincided with Tennenbaum's position. Kerry this and Kerry that, it got old real fast. It's bad enough that your positive qualities are so thin that you have to focus negativity on the other guy, but it's absurd when you do it to someone you're not even running against. It would only be fair for DeMint to hold himself personally responsible for all of Bush's screw-ups, since he thinks Inez is responsible for Kerry.

By Steve Reuland (not verified) on 20 Oct 2004 #permalink