Email from the Religious Right

Somehow I managed to get on the email list for Worldview Weekend, a group on the far right of the far right. Their latest email is quite amusing:

I believe anyone that does not vote on Tuesday is sinning and anyone that votes for Kerry is committing an even greater sin! We not only need President Bush but we need members of the U.S. House and Senate that will support those he will appoint to the federal bench and the U.S. Supreme Court.

This election is a worldview battle, a battle between good and is a spiritual battle. This is it folks.....if Kerry wins and he appoints Judges to the U.S. Supreme Court; America is lost.

If you do not vote on Tuesday and Kerry wins, don't complain about the increase in persecution that will surely follow. If you think we are not already experiencing persecution in America to some degree by the humanistic liberals and ACLU judges, then read the book by David Limbaugh entitled, Persecution. What will occur under the judges Kerry appoints and a Kerry Administration will be unimaginable.

Humanists, liberals and ACLU judges, oh my! Egads, we can't have humanists, they're all horrible people! And they're gonna throw Christians to the lions! Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, if these cretins are on the side of good, put me squarely in the evil column. I simply cannot bring myself to vote for anyone they would find that pleasing, especially on judicial issues where they revere theocratic apologists for repression like Robert Bork.

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Is Worldview Weekend a non-profit group? If so, this constitutes an endorsement, and thus grounds for revoking their tax-exempt status.

By Steve Reuland (not verified) on 01 Nov 2004 #permalink

if Kerry wins and he appoints Judges to the U.S. Supreme Court; America is lost

Well, we're safe there one way or the other, since the Supreme Court has justices, not judges.

Got to love language. With it you're able to turn a group who are in favor of heavily controlling people's lives into the ones who are being persecuted.

By Matthew Phillips (not verified) on 01 Nov 2004 #permalink


BTW just so all concerned can confirm my total lack of class and tact, my costume last night was a Catholic Priest named Father Perv. In our neighborhood the tradition is to stand at the front of the drive way and hand out candy. Several folks asked me if I was a real priest, and I replied "Yes my child, however Rome had asked me to step down due to some wild allegations by some of the younger men in my parrish ... want some candy little boy?"

I love the sentiment: "If you think you're not experiencing persecution, read this book."

Holy shit! It's true! I've been persecuted all this time without knowing it!

LOL norbizness. I am constantly amazed at the Christian martyr pose in this country. The United States is the most pervasively Christian nation in the world. We have tens of thousands of churches, thousands of Christian TV and radio stations, newspapers and magazines, virtually everyone ever elected to any public office at any level is a Christian - yet to listen to them, you'd think they lived in Nero's Rome! The moment anyone stands up to them and says no, you cannot impose your infantile moral code on people whose actions do not hurt you, they scream PERSECUTION! Give me a break.

You know, my lions are hungry...

So how bad was my sin if I voted for Badnarik and Inez Tenenbaum? =D

Can't wait to party in hell!