More Lies at the American Daily

This pathetic webrag that publishes Robert Meyer is just full of lying idiots. Take one Charles Cole and his column on the entirely fake myth of Christian persecution and the "they're trying to kill Christmas" meme. And look at this stunning lie:

Have you noticed that this Christmas season seems to be the climax of a multiyear assault on religion in America? If a store puts up a simple "Christmas tree", not to mention one with an angel at the top, the ACLU threatens to sue and the owner (or company) usually cowers under the legal threat and removes the "offending" object (be that a tree, a baby Jesus, a crèche, or even a "Merry Christmas" sign).

Just a complete, 100%, blatant lie. The ACLU has never, ever, under any circumstances, threatened to sue a private business for putting up a Christmas tree, nor would they ever. In fact, I would challenge Mr. Cole to document just one example of the ACLU ever doing so. I'll be happy to put up $1000 against his $1000. If he can document such an example, he wins; if he can't, I win. Anyone want a piece of that action?

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full text of my email to them:

Charles Cole said: "If a store puts up a simple "Christmas tree", not to mention one with an angel at the top, the ACLU threatens to sue and the owner (or company) usually cowers under the legal threat and removes the "offending" object (be that a tree, a baby Jesus, a crèche, or even a "Merry Christmas" sign)."

Can Mr. Cole provide an example of where the ACLU sued a store merely for putting up a Christmas tree? I believe he cannot.