More Cobb County Appreciation

Yesterday I thanked Timothy Sandefur for his hard work on the brief filed by a collection of state science organizations, which was cited by the judge twice in yesterday's ruling striking down the Cobb County disclaimer. I should also have included Reed Cartwright in that. Reed was the one, along with Sarah Pallas, who really got the ball rolling with that brief and did most of the first draft of it. Timothy then put it into a legal brief format and edited it into final form with input from all of us. The brief, as I recall, was originally going to be written on behalf of just the Georgia group, but Reed and Timothy asked if my group would like to sign on, which then led to the others getting involved as well. But it all started with Reed and Sarah, so to them as well as to Mr. Sandefur, we must say congratulations and, more importantly, thank you for all your hard work.

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