Van Till on Witham

Howard Van Till, my colleague on the board of Michigan Citizens for Science, has written a review of By Design, by Larry Witham. The book explores the issues and personalities at the interface of science and religion through interviews with some of the key people involved, including Michael Behe, Ken Miller and Paul Davies. It's not limited to evolution and creationism, but also includes the anthropic principle and other relevant issues.

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Ed, I don't see any mention of Howard Van Till on the MCFS Web site. Is that because the site is not up to date? Thanks.

By Tim Tesar (not verified) on 28 Feb 2005 #permalink

Ed, I don't see any mention of Howard Van Till on the MCFS Web site. Is that because the site is not up to date? Thanks.
Howard has only joined the board in the last couple of weeks, though he has worked with us in the past. I have not updated the website to include either him or Frank Ravitch from the MSU Law School, who has also recently joined the board, because I am in the process of putting up an entirely new webpage for our organization. I'm working on a CMS-based system that will allow our members to log in, exchange messages, post news stories and hold discussions. It will be much more functional than the very basic page we have up currently, and I expect to have it up and running in the next few weeks. So until then, I haven't bothered to update the old one since it will be going away soon anyway.

If you see this, I just sent an email in reply to your email this morning and it bounced back to me. I'm not sure why. But I did reply concerning Kalthoff and Jakway. Send me another email to if you want me to resend it to another email address.