Happy Birthday, Lynn

Today is my beloved Lynn's birthday, so please join me in wishing a Happy Birthday to the most beautiful, most courageous and most inspiring woman I've ever known. Sadly, the day she was born I was probably eating paste in a kindergarden class and was unaware of the sheer magnitude of the event taking place a few hours south of there and how it would later change my life. Happy birthday, honey.

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Happy birthday Lynn. Love the image of you eating paste Ed. Has he stopped doing that Lynn?

Happy Birthday! May you both share many more!

By Joshua White (not verified) on 10 Mar 2005 #permalink

Thank you Perry, Joshua and Brent for the well wishes.

Most of all thank you honey for the lovely Birthday greeting.

I love you paste and all LOL

Happy Birthday, Lynn! I'm happy to report that based upon last Saturday's get together (e.g., the poker game where I financed Ed's dinner and hotel), Ed appears to have gotten past eating paste. But he can put away a huge steak like nobody's business. I warned those sitting close to him to keep their hands at a safe distance.

Anyway, I trust that your birthday involves warm weather and a beach, which beats the snow I'm looking at out the window.

But he can put away a huge steak like nobody's business. I warned those sitting close to him to keep their hands at a safe distance.
LOL. You should see me eat BBQ ribs. It's even more frightening, especially to children. Speaking of which, I'm working on a get together here at my place the second weekend of April. Mickey can't make it, but Derek and Terry probably will. And I bought a case of babyback ribs the other day, so I figure a big cookout is in order. If it all works out, I'd love to have you and Kim and the kids up that Saturday.

Wow ~DS~ How did you know what I wanted? Thankie thankie LOL

Dan, thank you.
For the past 3 days you wouldn't have known this was Florida, the weather has been cold (52F) and rainy. Today the sun finally came out.
BTW Dan, I love your discription of Ed eating his steak. LOL

What Lynn didn't tell you guys is that I got the freaking birthday WRONG! It's actually the 13th, not the 10th and I have no idea why I've been walking around all week thinking it was today, but it's not actually until Sunday. I feel rather sheepish about it, but I'm just glad that I screwed it up on the early side rather than the late side. I'd have been in big trouble if I'd have thought it was next Tuesday or something!

Yep you got that right honey!! LOL

I wasn't gonna tell what you did. LOL

If it all works out, I'd love to have you and Kim and the kids up that Saturday.

I'll mark the calendar. Kim and the Loompas may be able to join us depending on the details. Kim is in class until noon on Saturdays, and that may be close to her finals. I'll find out what her school schedule looks like and let you know.

What Lynn didn't tell you guys is that I got the freaking birthday WRONG! It's actually the 13th, not the 10th and I have no idea why I've been walking around all week thinking it was today, but it's not actually until Sunday. I feel rather sheepish about it, but I'm just glad that I screwed it up on the early side rather than the late side. I'd have been in big trouble if I'd have thought it was next Tuesday or something!

Wow, you busted yourself. But you're right: if you're going to miss, miss early. Had you consulted with legal counsel prior to your confession, I would have suggested some sort of alibi. But no. Had to go and spill your guts. Have you learned nothing from Law and Order and Cops?

I suspect Lynn will let you off the hook, but I'd be looking to spend some cash if it were me. Flowers or balloons or something. Lynn, if you want me to act as your agent on this transaction, let me know. No charge. Ed walked away with some of my money last weekend, and this seems like an ideal opportunity to get it back.

Dan, (in my best Joan Rivers voice) "can we talk?" LOL

*Happy Birthday Lynn.

Or to be more precise, Happy Anniversary of the Date of Your Birth.

*Please disregard this message until March 13, 2005.

I've just fallen through the rabbit hole and ended up at the mad hatter's tea party, I see. Well, as long as I'm here, please pass a crumpet.

{Please not not open till March, 13.}

Happy Birthday, Lynn

Ohhhhh wow, this is fun, I will have to have a 3 day birthday every year. LOL

Thank you Jim, Dave, Bill and Jason, I appreciate your birthday greetings.


LOL I agree Ace, and 3 days of chocolate cake and chocolate icecream surrounded by lots of birthday gifts should help restore his memory LOL

Thanks Ace for the "happy birthday" greeting :-)