Delay Continues to Spout Idiocy

Ah yes, the war on the judiciary continues, led by our old pal Tom DeLay. Here's his latest bit of stupidity:

"Absolutely. We've got Justice Kennedy writing decisions based upon international law, not the Constitution of the United States? That's just outrageous," DeLay told Fox News Radio on Tuesday. "And not only that, but he said in session that he does his own research on the Internet? That is just incredibly outrageous."

No, what is outrageous is someone who claims to be a "strict constructionist" wanting to go against the clear intent of Article III of the Constitution and gut judicial review. And he considers it a bad thing that Kennedy researches on the internet? The two largest databases for legal research, Lexis and Westlaw, are both on the internet. Attorneys and judges use them all the time. Egads, judges doing legal research! Where will it all end? Can we just skip all the pretense and have the media just begin referring to DeLay as the moron in chief?

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thats funny.

Scoffing at judges doing research. Wow

Well, judges should know ALL the law in their heads!

DeLay is currently using the Internet to appeal to his Texas Constituents! The email memo is full of ad hominem arguments...

"Other Senators do it too, ya know!"
"Admonishments are not sanctions!"
"Why am I responsible for who ultimately funded my overseas trips?"
"Travis county DA hasn't indicted me!"

Such duplicity...

DeLay is concerned about the influence of foreign law on U.S. law? He's deep in a well of something . . .

When he stands in the well of the House of Representatives to address other members, he looks straight on at an Iraqi native, a transplanted Palestinian Jew, whose portrait is one of a couple of dozen* in the House chamber to remind members of the heritage of U.S. law. If DeLay doesn't want to allow Moses' influence, all DeLay need do is say so.

Did he say that to his Texas constituents, that he thinks Moses shouldn't have any influence on what he does? God knows DeLay acts as if Moses has no influence on him.

* Others include Jefferson, the Muslim Suleiman II, the pagan Solon, Hammurabi, Justinian, etc., etc.

By Ed Darrell (not verified) on 20 Apr 2005 #permalink

Representative Moron (R-Wackjob):

"Absolutely. We've got Justice Kennedy writing decisions based upon international law, not the Constitution of the United States? That's just outrageous,"

Dunno 'bout you, as I'm not a lawyer, but it seems to me that lawyers might have to be somewhat familiar with international law as it (A) might actually be required in some law school courses and (B) might be their area of specialty, even if it happens to be the sort of international treaty law that keeps people like Representative Moron up at night wondering about which New World Order they need to be paranoid about this week.

"And not only that, but he said in session that he does his own research on the Internet? That is just incredibly outrageous."

Hey, at least he didn't ask a clerk to do it, hence saving precious tax dollars that I'm sure Representative Moron would otherwise be quite concerned about.

Plus, he didn't access any porn sites.

Remember, that's Scalia's kink.

By Chris Krolczyk (not verified) on 20 Apr 2005 #permalink