Gull Lake Update

My colleague Howard Van Till attended the school board meeting in Gull Lake on Monday. The superintendant announced there that the internal committee had completed its work and would announce a decision on whether they would allow ID to be taught by two junior high school science teachers in the district. That decision will apparently announced to the faculty before being announced publicly, presumably by the time of the next school board meeting. This comes as the Thomas More Law Center is threatening them with a lawsuit if they do not allow the teachers to teach ID. Conversely, if the school district decides to allow it, that will almost certainly bring a lawsuit on behalf of parents in the district on establishment clause grounds, similar to the ongoing case in Dover, PA. My organization, Michigan Citizens for Science, has already coordinated with the ACLU and Americans United about a possible suit should they decide the wrong way. Stay tuned.

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When are the fundies going to drop out of the public school system? They've been threatening to for about a year.

By Guitar Eddie (not verified) on 18 May 2005 #permalink

Kick their ass, seabass! Yeah, I watched Dumb and Dumber Monday night. But still, shut 'em down :)

Heck, in many cases the fundies continue to try to impose their views on the public schools even if their kids are in church schools or home school. When you are committed to doing the work of the Lord, little things like it not being any of your business won't stop you.

While the University of Chicago is holding a symposium on the role of women, or lack thereof, in the postgraduate study of physics, these reconstructionist/dominionist types are doing everything they can to not only get rid of the teaching of science, but also keep women in their place. There must be some pinnacle moment when all this breaks one way or the other...