O'Connor Retires

Looks like Bill Kristol was right. Justice O'Connor is retiring from the court, which just ramps up the intensity on this summer's confirmation fight even higher than it would be if Rehnquist retired. Why? Because Rehnquist is solidly conservative, while O'Connor is the key swing vote on the court on a number of issues. Replace Rehnquist with another conservative and not much changes; replace O'Connor with a conservative, and a hell of a lot potentially changes. She's been the key 5th vote on all the hot button issues, from abortion to church and state to the death penalty. This is going to be one long, crazy summer in DC, kids. Buckle up.

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Even though Bill had already made a compelling argument for this, I was still caught by surprise. I have to admit I'm more than a little worried. I'm trying really hard not to launch into Chicken Little mode and run around screaming about the death of Roe v Wade and the end of church/state separation (at least what little is left), but it's really difficult to hold myself back.

Ed, what do you think are the prospects on Rehnquist? Do you think it's true that he decided to stay on? Or do you think perhaps he'll wait till O'Connor is replaced, and then announce his resignation?

By Chris Berez (not verified) on 01 Jul 2005 #permalink

Oh man. I just read Radly Balko's post about this and he's speculating that Souter might retire soon as well.

Oh well, it was a nice free country while it lasted.

By Chris Berez (not verified) on 01 Jul 2005 #permalink

Chris wrote:

Ed, what do you think are the prospects on Rehnquist? Do you think it's true that he decided to stay on? Or do you think perhaps he'll wait till O'Connor is replaced, and then announce his resignation?

I really don't know. I suspect at this point he's going to stay on. But who knows for sure other than him?