MP3 of June 26th Radio Appearance

I have uploaded the full mp3 of my appearance on the Jim Babka Show from June 26th, 2005 for anyone interested to download. On that show, we discussed the Kelo eminent domain case. I hope to have the full mp3 of my appearance on the Harry Browne show from this past weekend up soon as well.

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Just a question. Who is this Jim Babka?

Babka sounds like a Polish pastry. (I'm being cheeky, but it's true)

Really liked the show. You did great, Ed.

Although, anyone else notice the commercial for a product to produce "energized" water? It removes negative engergy from your water, you know!

Jesus Christ. I might have to jot off a quick note to James Randi on that one.

Of course, that commercial has nothing to do with Babka or his show, but when I heard it I almost burst out laughing. In a show that concentrated so aptly on critical analysis, such a mind-numbingly stupid add stuck out like a sore thumb.

By Chris Berez (not verified) on 06 Jul 2005 #permalink

Ed, well dont on the Babka show you made an excellent point this is clearly a money grab. Local governments are now empowered to trample on prive property to fill the govt coffers....very dangerous precedent.

raj wrote:
Just a question. Who is this Jim Babka?Jim is the president of DownsizeDC, a libertarian organization. His partner in that project is Perry Willis, who is a regular commenter here and was the national director of the Libertarian Party for much of the 90s. He is not, as far as I can tell, a Polish pastry, but his name does sound like one!

The commercials always crack me up. I sit there on the phone and can hear them playing and I just think, "For crying out loud, who is the target audience for this nonsense?"

Good interview, as always.