Belated Congratulations

I want to offer my belated congratulations to frequent commenter, infrequent contributor and real life pal Dan Ray on his new job. After taking quite a risk by leaving his position as the director of an undergraduate paralegal studies program, he has secured a job doing what he really wanted to do, which is teach constitutional law. One of the best things that has come out of starting this blog has been meeting so many great people and Dan, in particular, is a good friend I would never have met if this blog didn't exist. I'm thrilled that he now gets to follow through on his passion of teaching con law. And not only that, his new job puts him much closer to where I live, which means we can get together for lunch more often now. Congratulations, my friend.

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Thanks, Ed. You realize, of course, that this means you'll need to start writing a lot more about con law so I'll have something to talk about in class!

Dan wrote:

You realize, of course, that this means you'll need to start writing a lot more about con law so I'll have something to talk about in class!

I think the Supreme Court has been giving you a wealth of material in the last few weeks, enough to last a long time!