Farewell to Wilkins

I'm quite disappointed that I didn't get to meet John Wilkins while he was here visiting from Australia, but the closest he got to me was Toronto and things have been much too crazy here for me to get out there and join the howlerfest. PZ Myers made it out there and I sure wish I had. It would have been great to get to meet people like Jeff Shallit, Deb McKay and Larry Moran, folks I consider allies and colleagues without ever having met in person. Even more than that, I wish I'd been able to make it out to the Bay area for his visit to the NCSE gang. Wes Elsberry, Genie Scott, Nick Matzke, Glenn Branch and the rest of the folks out there are really a delight to be around and I'm sure Wilkins' Aussie wit added much to the conversation. I only wish I'd been there.

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