Musical Torture as Fundraising Tactic

A Catholic school in Pennsylvania is trying to raise money for victims of the hurricane in an interesting way. They're playing Hanson's song "MMMBop" on the school's loudspeakers before and after school and in between every class and they won't stop until they've raised $3000. Man, let's hope no one repeats this idea with Celine Dion. I'd donate to a "kill the puppies" fund to stop that crap. Actually, Hanson is bad enough. If I was in a Catholic school, I think I'd rather be molested by a priest than subjected to that song every day.

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Man, let's hope no one repeats this idea with Celine Dion.

A private school might be able to get away with that but if a public school tried it, I'm quite sure it would violate the 8th Amendment "cruel and unusual punishment" clause.

Killing puppies? Molested by a priest? Sure, it's hyperbole, but still. You can find better ways of expressing your displeasure with a song. This is counterproductive. Most, if not all, of those actually molested likely would take offense at the trivialization of molestation inherent in your statement.

By Roy Jameson (not verified) on 15 Sep 2005 #permalink

Roy Jameson wrote:

Killing puppies? Molested by a priest? Sure, it's hyperbole, but still. You can find better ways of expressing your displeasure with a song. This is counterproductive. Most, if not all, of those actually molested likely would take offense at the trivialization of molestation inherent in your statement.

It wasn't hyperbole; it was a joke and a rather obvious one. If the test of a joke is whether someone would take offense at the "trivialization" of some awful offense, then about 80% of all jokes are now off limits. But not here.

while putting on my little school uniform 'the joke had me laughing' lol

Damn, Ed, you've already got an attentive audience. You don't need to get Lynn to make vague references to her school uniform to keep us coming back!

They were doing that at my high school seven years ago. They called it "Stop the Bop" and, let me tell you ... it worked.

By Catherine (not verified) on 15 Sep 2005 #permalink

i seem to recollect that the term "Bop" is often used, or at least in the recent past used, as a symbolic referrent for the act of female masturbation. It is interesting then that a Catholic high school would promote "mmmmmmmbopping" as a means to raise funds; but then it is also likely that through encouraging paying to bop students can maintain their oaths of virginity?? Now this would be satirical, or i could have written it as a parody, but the simple truth of it is hysterical enough on its face, so to speak. I am only curious how "Stop the Bop" worked???