Confirmation Contradictions

I've noticed an interesting irony in the conservative backlash against the Miers nomination. Many of them are upset because they just don't know where Miers stands on issues like abortion, affirmative action, gay rights, and so forth. But weren't they telling us a few weeks ago that not only do those stands not matter, but it's outrageous to even ask a nominee about them? Weren't they telling us with Roberts that the only thing that matters is that he's smart, knowledgable, loyal, thrifty and brave? In fact, weren't they telling us that they didn't have any "litmus tests", that those are only for liberals and not conservatives who just want someone who will "interpret the constitution, not legislate from the bench"? Here again folks, a perfect example of why you should never take simplistic partisan rhetoric seriously in this area. It just doesn't mean anything.

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Game, set and match to Mister Brayton.

Or, word to yo' mama.