Happy Birthday to Me

Today is my 38th birthday. Not a big deal to me. As my father likes to say, there's no point in worrying about birthdays until you stop having them. I'm spending the day quietly at home, doing a little writing and research, listening to the brilliant new Wynton Marsalis CD, Live in the House of Tribes, and kicking myself for not putting Antowain Smith into the starting lineup in fantasy football instead of Mewelde Moore. And I'm about to go take a walk around the lake on this spectacular autumn day. Cheers!

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Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday. I don't know if you care but your birthdate is a pretty interesting day in history. www.tnl.net/when/10/16. You can add Noah Webster and John Mayer to that list of persons born on this date.

I think it's much cooler that I was born on the same day as Oscar Wilde and born on the same day that Marie Antoinette was guillotined.

Happy happy, Ed.

By RowanCrisp (not verified) on 16 Oct 2005 #permalink


Happy Birthday. My Birthday is tomorrow, and I'm 39. Nothing special happened on the 17th, far as I know. Your dad is right, by the way!

Long live the Librans!


Also born on your birthday -

Tiberius Claudius Nero
David Ben-Gurion
Eugene O'Neill
Enver Hoxha
Angela Lansbury
Charles W Colson (!)
Tim McCarver
Suzanne Somers
Tim Robbins
Manute Bol
Wendy Wilson

Happy Birthday Ed!

Happy belated! My wife's birthday is the day after your's (today). She's making a turkey tonight :D