Another Sign of Impending Armageddon

Sylvester Stallone, after years of negotiations, is finally set to film Rocky 6. In this film he'll be defending the AARP heavyweight belt, which is actually a combination kidney belt/adult diaper. And naturally, Stallone has a cliche-ridden rationalization for it all:

" 'Rocky Balboa' is about everybody who feels they want to participate in the race of life, rather than be a bystander," Stallone said in a statement. "You're never too old to climb a mountain, if that's your desire."

This is bound to be the worst comeback since the Eagles launched their "Our Investments Aren't Doing As Well As We'd Hoped" tour. The only way this could be any more painful is if he was fighting Muhammad Ali. Or Stephen Hawking.

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Would Rambo IV qualify as more painful? Because that is the movie in pre-production for a 2006 release.

Really, his last decent role was in Cliffhanger back in '93. His slobby sheriff in Cop Land is interesting, but I didn't quite buy it.

The report I saw claimed that Rocky would be portrayed as a widower -- and then it speculated if Talia Shire's character would be back.

The report I saw claimed that Rocky would be portrayed as a widower -- and then it speculated if Talia Shire's character would be back.

She could always return in flashback or as ghostly visions from beyond the beyond. :)

I heard they want Roy Jones Jr. for the opponent .... Mason "The Line" Dixon. Nothing like 18th century references to sell a movie.