Do I hear $157,000? Going once....Going twice...

I have no idea how they figure this out, but according to this page, here's what this blog is worth:

My blog is worth $157,506.66.
How much is your blog worth?

If anyone would like to offer even half of that, you've got a deal. On the other hand, their formula for figuring it out must be pretty whacked since the Panda's Thumb, which averages about 7000 hits a day, is given a value of $0.00. Figure that out.

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My blog is worth a lousy $564.54....I'm jealous!

The scariest numbers are those of the conservative blogs. In the millions!!!

Oh, and probably the reason that the Panda's Thumb was not recognized as worth anything was that it wasn't recognized as a blog. I tried inserting the url of Scientific American and it also is apparently worth zilch.

Without you, this blog is valueless.
The value in a place like this is in the blogger, not the blog.

By Car Pundit (not verified) on 29 Oct 2005 #permalink