Dale Carpenter at Volokh

Dale Carpenter, one of the most articulate defenders of gay marriage, is guest-blogging at the Volokh Conspiracy this week, after gay marriage opponent Maggie Gallagher blogged there a couple weeks ago. Carpenter is doing an excellent job of rebutting Gallagher's claims and the arguments offered by opponents of gay marriage in general. His latest post takes on the procreation argument and shreds it quite thoroughly. I strongly suggest you scroll through and find his posts from the last few days. Definitely worth reading.


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Thanks for the linkage. It's always hand to have relatively short and effective responces to common arguments.

The only thing I think he should have brought up(but didn't) are the laws against consanguinity. Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Utah, and Wisconsin ban marriage between two cousins unless they can't have children. It's almost as if the institution of marriage was about love and not children. Nah, couldn't be.

Good meticulous argumentation. Too bad that page is such a bloody mess to look at.

Oh, gawd, not Dale Carpenter. Shortly before the 2002 mid-term election, he published an article in a gay paper in TX (I believe it was called the Triangle) on the subject "what is a gay republican to do?" after the national Republican party made it clear that they were going to conduct a jihad against gay people. Carpenter's answer: vote Republican, of course.

It strikes me that Carpenter really does need to educate himself. And I have mentioned this a number of times on comment threads on the IndeGayForum web site, on which the proprietors have made mention of several of Carpenter's articles, but oddly, not this one. I could make some snide remarks about the proprietors of that web site, but I'll refrain.