Pat Robertson's Response

In the wake of Judge John Jones' ruling against ID in public school science classrooms, Pat Robertson released the following statement:

I'd like to say to Judge Jones, the activist liberal judge in this case, that if there is a disaster in your life, don't turn to God because you just threw him out of schools. In fact, I've just spoken to the Lord and he tells me that he has a voodoo doll that is an exact replica of the likeness of Judge Jones. Over the next few days, he will begin to feel pains throughout his body as Jesus pokes and bends and crushes this voodoo doll in order to move the judge with a spirit of repentence. I also predict that Judge Jones' hometown will be overrun with homosexuals, which will bring the inevitable hurricanes, meteorites and terrorist bombings. Don't say I didn't warn you."

And yes, this is a parody...but just barely.

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Fooled me, it sounds so like him!

I guess the reference to Voodoo dolls should have been the tip-off, 'cause Al-Qaeda-Pat would never mention anything that Pagan; but other than that, you pretty much fooled me. People like that are hard to satirize.

The thing is that the good guys couldn't have gotten a better judge to make this ruling, as it's going to be awfully difficult to paint Jones as a baby-aborting homosexual feminist hippy liberal activist judge. He was not only appointed by George W. Bush, who thinks ID has scientific validity, but is in with the inner circles of the republican conservative movement. Of course I don't expect that to stop people from vilifying him; digging up evidence that he once attended a Grateful Dead concert as proof that he's part of a fourth reich movement for a christian holocaust. But he deserves a lot of credit in going against his own crowd to make the intellectually honest decision.

I think the DI looks pretty ridiculous trying to paint Judge Jones as a liberal activist judge. Not only is he a Bush appointee, but he has two primary political sponsors (all judges have political sponsors, you don't get on the list for a Federal judgeship without having a high powered political figure who can get you on one) - Tom Ridge and Rick Santorum. Yes, the same Rick Santorum that the DI used to put in the Santorum amendment into the No Child Left Behind act. There's no way they can credibly spin this guy as a liberal activist judge. That won't stop them from trying, of course. Frankly, I think "activist" is, for many on the right, a Pavlovian response to losing a court case.

And pink...homosexual's and lots of pink.[/nonsense mode]

Excellent parody...mostly because it is just barely a parody. You had me fooled voodoo doll (seriously).

"I think the DI looks pretty ridiculous trying to paint Judge Jones as a liberal activist judge."

Whereas they looked totally sane and sensible beforehand?

Frankly, I think "activist" is, for many on the right, a Pavlovian response to losing a court case.

Unfortunately I think you are correct Ed. For all their talk, an activist judge that pushes an agenda they like wont face the same derision and attacks that a judge who pushes an agenda they don't like will.