Welcome, Crooks and Liars Readers

Having not even looked at my blog all morning, I sat down and peeked at the usage statistics and was shocked to see a much busier than usual day without having posted anything new since yesterday morning. Turns out it's because the blog Crooks and Liars linked to my post on Mel Gibson and evolution. So welcome, those who followed that link and have never seen this blog before. Stick around and explore.

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The kerfuffle over the Bayblab incident has produced no end of discussion here and elsewhere. Hilariously, this included a lengthy discussion of why they see ScienceBlogs as cliquish, conducted entirely in the private back-channel forum that nobody else can read. Irony: it's like gold-y and bronze-…
You know you've been infected with nerdiness when you're on vacation and you decide that, rather than sleeping in and relaxing like a normal person, you're going to get up at 5 am to hit Manasota Beach at low tide. For the record, it's DARK at 5am. There isn't a hint of light yet. And since my car…
Elizabeth Gibson alongside the story I wrote about her on my blog [larger view]. Image: GrrlScientist, 14 December 2008. A most remarkable thing happened to me just now. I am working on some writing in a Manhattan coffee shop when two women sat at the table next to me and began negotiating a…

Glad to have found you and some of your very thought provoking articles.... you're now one on my bookmarks.

By callmeishmael (not verified) on 30 Dec 2005 #permalink

Not to mention that you, and your fellows at Positive Liberty, are about the only ones still regularly blogging during this apparent winter break. This is most excellent and hopefully will inspire others like callmeishmael to become active participants. Thanks for remaining active Ed!