MSU and Church/State Scholars

David Schraub points out something interesting while linking to my post about Douglas Laycock going to U of M law school and being a grad of Michigan State:

Interesting factoid revealed--he attended Michigan State University as an undergrad. Know who else did? Constitutional law and Church/State expert Michael W. McConnell, currently on the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals and, in my opinion, one of the more brilliant writers I've ever read. What is in the water in East Lansing?

I suspect both of them went to James Madison college at MSU, which is home to a lot of pre-law students. But it is sort of odd that they both went there. You expect eminent legal scholars to have come from Yale or Harvard, but not a state school that, until recently, didn't even have a law school. Coincidentally, MSU law school's current eminent church/state expert, Frank Ravitch, is on the board of MCFS with me.

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Now that I think of it, I've read Ravitch's stuff too (and really enjoyed it). Looks like MSU is some sort of powerhouse in the department.

Now if only I can start a Carleton legacy of Church/State scholars...

Michigan and Michigan State have produced several fine scholars over the years, it seems to me. Put out your antennae and search: Be you find a dozen more.

By Ed Darrell (not verified) on 05 Jan 2006 #permalink