Welcome to the New Digs

Welcome to the new home of Dispatches from the Culture Wars. I have joined forces with a group of other popular science bloggers under the umbrella of Seed Media Group. As I've previously noted, all content here is still solely my responsibility. I will still write whatever I want about any subject I choose and no one has any authority over that but me. Nothing will change from the old blog at all. I will continue to write about evolution and creationism, as befitting a science blog, but I will also continue to write about constitutional law, politics, religion, and my three favorite hobbies (poker, college basketball and BBQ). So make yourself at home. There's iced tea in the fridge and steaks on the grill.

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I have arrived.

Well, the new digs are looking good. I admit I really liked the color scheme of the old Dispatches, but this is looking really wicked as well.

So, welcome to your new home. I hope it serves you very well.

By chrisberez (not verified) on 10 Jan 2006 #permalink

Nice design, Ed. I liked the other one too, though.

The site looks pretty good. I will have to check out the other blogs and see if you have found a good neighborhood. My only quibble is the fixed width. I liked that the old site would fill my browser window.

Hi Mom!

Unfortunately, guys, I have zero control at this point over the look of the blog. At some point soon, we'll have multiple themes to choose from but at this point we just have this one. Like Mike, I strongly prefer a variable width template. So the look will certainly change before too long. But at this point, it's functional and that's all that matters.

Nice move. I've been reading for a while, but I have just now signed up for an account. What are your thoughts on the Ohio vote yesterday? Is legal action the next step?

Great site!


Now I've been reading for a while, and I've never learned that you liked BBQ. I grew up in Abilene, TX, and trust me, we had good BBQ restaurants everywhere. Somewhere around a dozen.

bourgeois rage wrote:

What are your thoughts on the Ohio vote yesterday? Is legal action the next step?

I don't have a lot of details on it at this point. I have friends there with Ohio Citizens for Science and they've been working on it, but I'm sure I'll here more today about the specifics. Or perhaps if Richard Hoppe sees this, he can post some of the details here. I suspect there may be legal action coming, but I don't have any inside info on that.

Congratulations Ed. The new site looks great. Next step, get yourself added to John Brockman's stable of Edge contributors. Well, we can dream can't we?

By Perry Willis (not verified) on 11 Jan 2006 #permalink