El Tejon Creationism Class Cancelled

The El Tejon school district has agreed to cancel their creationism class and not to teach it again, thus settling the case before it went to trial:

Americans United for Separation of Church and State today announced that it has settled a lawsuit over a California school district's decision to teach a course promoting creationism...

Under the terms of the settlement, the course will terminate one week early. The district's board of trustees has also agreed to language stating, "No school over which the School District has authority, including the High School, shall offer, presently or in the future, the course entitled 'Philosophy of Design' or 'Philosophy of Intelligent Design' or any other course that promotes or endorses creationism, creation science, or intelligent design."

See the full text of the AU's press release here and the full terms of the settlement here.

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I think there's a very good chance of lawsuits in both Michigan and Ohio. The Michigan case depends on whether the other side files one; the Ohio case depends on whether our side files one.

Cue the complaints of "suppression of academic freedom" and against the "Darwinist tyranny".

You don't get "academic freedom" at High Schools.

I wish you did, though. We might have better History classes.