What We're Dealing With


Enough said. And that's from a demonstration in London, not Pakistan. Here's one from France:


No. You go to hell.

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Freaking morons.

I sometimes wonder if the elimination of dogmatic evangelical ideologies should be considered a public health issue similar to, say, vaccination against tuberculosis. This is how I feel about these kinds of ideologies, although I would never support any kind of coercive attempt to do this because I also feel strongly about freedom.

I am sometimes asked whether I'm not religious because of evolution, or because of some polemical argument against it by some atheist philosopher. The answer is no. Evolution has about as much to do with God (as I see it) as, say, the boiling point of water. I also don't put much stock in pure evidence-free polemical arguments about abstract subjects since it's possible to construct a convincing-sounding argument for any arbitrary position.

No. The reason I am not religious is because I am *disgusted* with the behavior of so many of the followers of various religions. If I were to die and be confronted by some deity and asked "why did you not believe?" I would say "because your followers convinced me by their statements and actions that you did not really exist."

I begin to suspect this thing is organized somehow. I just can't believe people would voluntarily and independently stand a shout such total BS. Weird.

By Roman Werpachowski (not verified) on 03 Feb 2006 #permalink

The folks in the top picture remind me a lot of commenters at some of the right wing blogs here at home. The poster in the bottom is more honest, but not fundamentally different, than what a lot of the religious right believes.

This sort of thing gives me the bad feeling that the differences between the West and much of the Islamic world won't be settled until there are a few million casualties.

That's not what I want, but it is what I'm afraid is going to happen.

By Troy Britain (not verified) on 03 Feb 2006 #permalink

I don't know what's going to happen. Right now things like "Exterminate those who slander islam" are said but seldom done. Things like the murder of Theo van Gogh are rare. But if lots of muslims in places like paris and london start murdering critics, it could precipitate something major, like the forcible expulsion of muslim communities.

I don't know what's going to happen. Right now things like "Exterminate those who slander islam" are said but seldom done. Things like the murder of Theo van Gogh are rare. But if lots of muslims in places like paris and london start murdering critics, it could precipitate something major, like the forcible expulsion of muslim communities.

It doesn't help that we've got a substantial portion of the population that believes that all Muslims are blood-thirsty maniacs striving to kill all infidels, and that those who are nice and friendly are only "acting". Really, they'll obsessively quote a passage from the Qu'ran saying that Muslims should deceive the infidels and then betray them, or something. And these people apparently believe that every Muslim must be just as obsessed with it as they are.

So they'll take any hint of violence by a Muslim against someone of a different religion as proof of the religious hatred that Islam supposedly foments (completely ignoring everything the Torah says about the same thing). When a family of Copts was killed, it was blamed on Muslim terrorists, though it was later shown the perpetrators weren't Muslim. During the riots in France, they again cited this as "proof" that Muslims were out to kill all "infidels", despite the fact that they weren't hurting people (I only recall one reported death, but I may be mistaken) and they weren't rioting because the Qu'ran told them to but because they were being treated like shit. I'm sure there are more examples, but I can't really think of any off the top of my head.

Anybody got photos of the Danish embassy on fire? I can only find text about it.

What I don't understand is why people who feel as the men in the London photo do would, um... live in London.

I don't mean to dredge up that stupid old canard "immigrants go home", but then again, there is a reason I don't want to move to Pakistan, or to a Jewish settlement in Isreal, or anywhere else where I would expect to be routinely offended. I wouldn't move there and then call for the extermination of anyone who subsequently did offend me. Especially since this would eventually result in my having to call for the extermination of everyone...If cartoons warrant mass homicide, what wouldn't?

It seems almost more like a self-fulfilling prophesy which makes me suspicious of their motives for emmigrating. And before anyone yells at me or accuses me of paranoia: I am talking about the men in that photo and others who feel that way. I'm not talking about immigrants in general. I'm talking about the assholes holding the signs calling for what amounts to the extermination of the populations of their host countries.

What the hell did they think was going to happen? They live in a country full of infidels and their infidel evils. What else could they possibly have expected?

As a believer in Jesus Christ, I would suggest to those who do not believe that one way you can distinguish between religious truth and religious error is this: Does this creed suggest that people, though sinful, are very important in the eyes of God, and that we ought to love one another. Christianity insists that we love God with all our heart, and that we love one another.

These Muslim fanatics are in error. I pray for them and for everyone who does not know Jesus. Jesus died on the cross for us, so that by faith, we can be justified by His atoning sacrifice. Those who truly believe (and thus also repent of all godlessness) can be forgiven and have eternal life.

Jesus came so that we may have life - abundant and eternal. All doctrines that devalue human life, (whether they be Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, or ... secular), are erroroneous. This is not to say that God does not punish the wicked; he does. Hell is real. His wrath is real. He hates sin, and will punish all who disobey the gospel. But He is a loving, merciful God. He has commanded us to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God.

I've read several books on Islam, one in particular is Onward Muslim Soldiers by Robert Spencer. The book describes how violent they really are and how they plan to promote their hatefilled religion around the world. I think they all should be deported and we should bring in some other less violent people group in.

I've read several books on Islam, one in particular is Onward Muslim Soldiers by Robert Spencer. The book describes how violent they really are and how they plan to promote their hatefilled religion around the world. I think they all should be deported and we should bring in some other less violent people group in.

Good idea. Let's bring in some honest, hard-working, God-fearing, Christian people! In fact, to let everyone know that this is a Christian country and we won't tolerate those evil other religions with their terrorists and murderers, let's start setting up crosses all around. But that won't be enough... I know! Let's set them on fire! Then everyone will be able to get the message!