Off to See the Teacher(s)

I'm leaving in a couple hours to attend the Michigan Science Teacher's Association conference in Lansing. Michigan Citizens for Science has a booth there to recruit new members and get science teachers involved in the battles over science education in public schools. Rob Pennock, Greg Forbes and I will be acting as carnival barkers, trying to pry their attention away from all the corporate displays. Step right up, folks, step right up.

It should be a fun weekend, actually, as it always is hanging out with those guys. My buddy Dan is coming tomorrow to lend a hand as well and, presumably, to pay off the second dinner he owes me from his ill-fated attempts to gamble with The Master. I may be able to get online while I'm there and post or comment and I'll do so if I can. So I hope everyone else has a good weekend. As for me, I'm just gonna try not to get detention for falling asleep in class.

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My buddy Dan is coming tomorrow to lend a hand as well and, presumably, to pay off the second dinner he owes me from his ill-fated attempts to gamble with The Master.

Yeah, very fucking funny. It's not bad enough that I lose -- I have to be subjected to public humiliation, too?

Dan wrote:

Yeah, very fucking funny. It's not bad enough that I lose -- I have to be subjected to public humiliation, too?

Of course! What fun is it to beat your friends if you can't talk trash about it for weeks....okay, months....afterwards? I still take every opportunity to remind Jeff that I was 43-0 against him in debate and that was 21 years ago. What's the opposite of a sore loser? A pain in the ass winner with a long memory. :)