Will Repko: Superhero?

So I'm perusing the MSU debate team webpage, which includes lots of pictures and stories of their national championship victory, and I come across this picture:


That's the coach, and my old friend, Will Repko. Why is he dressed like that? I have no idea. I thought about calling him to find out, but frankly I figure any backstory that leads to him wearing that costume that I might make up is bound to be more entertaining than the real story. So for the moment, I'm assuming that the process that led to this involves large amounts of alcohol and a dare. Either way, this picture will not be lived down. We'll be making fun of this for a long, long time.

Update: Okay, here's the real story straight from the Speed Racer's mouth. The Harvard tournament is on Halloween weekend every year and MSU has a reputation for being a really intense, competitive team. So they decided to lighten things up this year and all went to that tournament in costume. But I'm sticking with my story of alcohol and manhood-challenging dares.

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