The Ed in Your Head

This is so cool. I took someone to task for misrepresenting my position and said that they weren't arguing with me but with the "Ed in their head". Jeff Hebert, a longtime reader and a graphic artist, thought that concept was funny and he designed two graphics for me. I'll post the first one on the front page and the second one below the fold. Thanks to Jeff for doing it, these are hilarious. And I'm amazed at how much they really do look like me when you only had the one picture on my old blog to go on. Great work.


#2, a takeoff on the Grateful Dead's "deadheads":


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The first graphic is cooler...but I really like "Edhead". :)

I like the first one better too, but if by some bizarre chance I ever had a fan club (an idea that I actually find kinda creepy), they would have to be called Edheads.

Dave S. said:

.but I really like "Edhead". :)

Thanks, it came to me at the last moment before I sent the first one, so I whipped up the second one. I think regular readers of this blog should take to calling each other "Edheads" and have massive gatherings around the country where we go on wild, endless, free-form, hedonistic debates about liberty and religion. Perhaps one day we'll even get Ben & Jerry's to name an ice cream after Ed. Ah, immortality, how sweet is your siren call.

Jeff wrote:

Perhaps one day we'll even get Ben & Jerry's to name an ice cream after Ed.

I think Chunky Monkey is probably close enough. :)

I'm tempted to use the EdHead as an avatar, but as a logo I like the other better.

That could very well be the next Andre the Giant has a posse.

"by some bizarre chance I ever had a fan club"

Well, those are certainly real "fan mail", so....

By SkookumPlanet (not verified) on 04 Apr 2006 #permalink

I'll echo the popular opinion: The first graphic is cooler, but the "EdHead" graphic is hysterical.

By FishyFred (not verified) on 04 Apr 2006 #permalink

Wow, you got a comment to work. The gremlins must be in a good mood. An hour from now, it'll probably not work again!

Martin Striz wrote:

Can we post smaller versions of these on our web pages, right next to "CSS compliant" and "Get Firefox"?

Fine by me.