Funniest Quote Ever?

It's gotta be in the running. Here's William Dembski commenting on Allen MacNeill's upcoming course on ID at Cornell University:

Dembski, a former professor at Southern Seminary in Louisville, doubts the course will accurately portray intelligent design. "Given that I regard myself as a fair-minded person -- and given that I understand the professor of the class has called me a bald-faced liar -- I would guess that [it's] probably not going to be a fair treatment," Dembski offers. "But who knows?"

And of course, Dembski would be the authority on honest and fair treatment, wouldn't he? After all, this is the same guy who publicly claimed that Jeff Shallit's testimony was pulled from the Dover trial because it had proved "embarrassing" to the plaintiffs and then, when he was proven wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt and even shown the trial documents showing that it was his side that tried to keep Shallit off the stand, kept it up until, in true Orwellian fashion, he simply deleted the posts as though it was all a dream. The same guy who tells one audience that the designer could just be an alien, but tells another that the designer must be transcendent and infinite. Yeah, Dembski is certainly the one we want to turn to for evaluation of fair-minded and honest discussion.

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And the same guy who called Wesley Elsberry an "internet stalker" for daring to keep track of Dembski's BS and to call it what it is.

By Troy Britain (not verified) on 19 Apr 2006 #permalink

Who doesn't see themeselves as being fair minded? Really.

If by "fair" you mean determined to give both sides of the story equal weight, regardless of how ridiculous one side may be, Dembski is probably correct. However, I consider the characterization of "bald-faced liar" to be fair when applied to Dembski.

And the same guy who sicced the DHS on Pianka in the wake of Mims' egregious slanderfest.

Dembski would prefer MacNeill use the term "Baldfaced Street-Theatre Boob". That would be fair.

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