Who Put Judith Reisman on the FDA Board?

Someone left a link to this article about the FDA dragging their feet in making Plan B contraception available without a prescription. Take a look at what it says about an internal memo from one of the insiders:

In the memo released by the FDA during the discovery process, Dr. Curtis Rosebraugh, an agency medical officer, wrote: "As an example, she stated that we could not anticipate, or prevent extreme promiscuous behaviors such as the medication taking on an 'urban legend' status that would lead adolescents to form sex-based cults centered around the use of Plan B."

Rosebraugh indicated he found no reason to bar nonprescription sales of Plan B.

"This was the level of scientific discourse, so to speak," Heller said in a phone interview, referring to concerns attributed to Woodcock. "I find it very odd that these people who are supposed to be responsible scientists and doctors are making up wacky reasons."

Great. Next thing you know they'll be regulating "erototoxins".


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I happen to think that erotoxins are real, based on my own experience.

Erotoxins to not do their damage immediately; it takes time for their effects to be seen.

When I was about 11 years old, I saw my parents engaged in intercourse. It did me no harm at the time, but after a while, say 12 to 18 months later, as the erotoxins began to multiply, the images of them started to come back to me at night. And then I started noticing that girls were beginning to look different than before.

Eventually, by the time I reached 15, these erotoxins had multiplied to the point where I was getting sexual thoughts even while reading things that were not sexual. All I had to do was see certain words and I would think of sex. Words like- girl, skirt, shorts, outboard motors, etc.

However, erotoxins do diminish after a while though. At my advanced age, I rarely think of sexual thoughts, and even less often actually act upon them. Now, when I get my annual hard-on, my wife gets her annual headache.

By John Cercone (not verified) on 27 Apr 2006 #permalink

Have these same people made any moves to remove Viagra or Cialis from the market? Afterall, these drugs may encourage teenagers to to have all-night orgies and other forms of fornication.

By Miguelito (not verified) on 27 Apr 2006 #permalink

That's "Dr" Judith Reisman. Whose doctorate was in communications, and whose only claim to fame was writing songs for the Captain Kangaroo television show.

(No, I'm not kidding.)