Pat Robertson Says Something Stupid, Film at 11

I know, I know. Saying that Pat Robertson said something stupid is like saying President Bush mangled a word or Paris Hilton is on a magazine cover - you could write that headline pretty much every day. But since it involves a group I support, I thought I'd report it anyway. On the 700 Club, Robertson trotted out the tried and true false line about separation of church and state being a communist idea. And he claimed that Americans United had been taken over by communists. It's like the man is an AI robot who just suddenly reverted to his pre-1989 programming. He also trotted out a lie he has told many times, claiming that Barry Lynn thinks that the fire department can't respond to a fire at a church because of the first amendment. This is a lie and he's been caught at that lie many times before, yet he still repeats it. The man is a fraud and a con artist, fleecing the ignorant and the credulous and becoming staggeringly rich in the process.

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Separation of church and state is a communist idea? I thought the communist line was complete subjegation of the church to the state.

By Tim Makinson (not verified) on 12 May 2006 #permalink

I once saw a TV movie about a preacher to whom god appeared in person, convinced him that it was god and told him to preach about helping the poor. But the preacher simply could not preach about anything other than what he always preached about (in this case it was the evils of sex and pornography, but in Robertson's I guess it's the evils of liberalism or perhaps constitutional law). I never suspected that the show was based on a real person.

By Mark Paris (not verified) on 12 May 2006 #permalink

Keep this guy away from Dubya, or we're all in bigger trouble than we are now! Christ is this guy scary...

I think he's just senile. As an atheist, I want him to talk more. He's making christians look like crazy idiots.

Perhaps the effort of convincing God to destroy New Orleans was just too much for him. Maybe he just needs a little rest.

Wow. Learn something new every day. I never would have guessed that Roger Williams and Thomas Jefferson were communists. This evil communist plot has deeper roots than I thought!

It's like the man is an AI robot who just suddenly reverted to his pre-1989 programming.

An AI robot?? Pat has no intelligence in him, not even artificial.

This guy is worse than Ward Churchill: Churchill only said that the people who died in the WTC were not innocent; Robertson explicitly said that the people who killed them were right to do what they did, and were, in fact, acting as agents of (his) God.

And of those two hateful bigoted morons, guess which one has Bush's ear?

OT, but is anybody else having trouble browsing on Science Blogs today? I suspect the Seed ad on the right, but can't be sure.

"The man is a fraud and a con artist, fleecing the ignorant and the credulous and becoming staggeringly rich in the process."

In other words he is a preacher. An evil bastard that hates humans too but primarily a preacher.

By CanuckRob (not verified) on 12 May 2006 #permalink

Oh, for crying out loud, I don't think preacher is synonymous with "evil bastard that hates humans" or that Pat Robertson at all represents the average preacher.

::BZZT: Official Notice from the Homosexual Secular Humanist Underground. :BZZT:

-intercepted communique.

...our plan to discredit the Christianist Movement by replacing Pat Robertson with a look-a-like has been outstandingly successful. Now in its 10th year, the plan originally had a setback when our first agent raised suspicions by appearing to be too intelligent. Fortunately by replacing the agent with a large wooden puppet with a sawdust-filled cranial cavity, we were able to overcome this problem... ::BZZT::End of Line.::BZZT::

I used to monitor the 700 club for anti-D&D idiocy. At the time Marion had a co-host. I stopped monitoring the show because Robertson was no longer bashing D&D (apparently no money in it). Some time later I'm making the rounds of the channels when I run across a small time religious channel. There I see Marion's one time co-host, explaining that he left a certain religious organization because he'd gotten tired of the constant negativity.

Then there was the time another former associate of Marion "Pat" Robertson told why he left Marion's operation. Because Marion insisted on spending money on a specially outfitted 707 to carry doctors and medical supplies around the world, when that money could've been better spent on medical supplies for local doctors.

And you can pretty much guess what other medical groups had to say about the Robertson medical mission during the Rwanda crisis.

When other Christian fundies have problems with you...

"The man is a fraud and a con artist, fleecing the ignorant and the credulous and becoming staggeringly rich in the process."

Don't forget, Pat Roberston started out as one of those "faith healers" back in the early sixties (The Faith Healers by James Randi, 1989). In the truest sense of the word, he is a fraud and a con man and has been from the beginning.

"Wow. Learn something new every day. I never would have guessed that Roger Williams and Thomas Jefferson were communists. This evil communist plot has deeper roots than I thought!"

Don't forget James Madison (Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments). He was part of the same cell.

By Jim Ramsey (not verified) on 13 May 2006 #permalink

Ever notice how the ferver of the Fox News and Robertson's tirades against Liberalism sound like Senator Joseph McCarthy's tirades against Communism?

It was creepy watching the Edward R. Murrow movie, "Good Night and Good Luck". I closed my eyes and the McCarthy scenes sounded like Fox "News" with Bill O'Reilly.

Here I was hesitant to make ad hominem criticisms of some ad hominem experts...when Robertson comes out saying openly what he sounded like all along. Liberals = Communists.