Won't the Real Dave Fafarman Please Stand Up?

This is interesting. Yesterday, someone claiming to be Larry Fafarman's brother, Dave, left a comment here. Larry is claiming that it's not really his brother. But then another Dave Fafarman shows up and says he's the real one and demanding the removal of the first one. Now, as you might imagine, I find this whole thing quite amusing.

However, at least one thing that the first brother said has been confirmed: he is indeed a member of the NCSE. That's not the sort of thing that would be public knowledge about Larry's brother, so that would seem to lend credibility to his claim. So at the moment, I'm guessing that the first brother Dave is real and the second brother Dave is Larry. But from now on, I'm going to call him Slim Shady.

Update: Ah, this gets funnier and funnier. I went back and did an IP address search on the two Daves and on Larry. Will it come as a shock to anyone to find out that Dave #2 - the alleged "real Dave" - is actually Larry? Yep, same IP address - The first Dave's IP is portable, but starts with 71.132.*. So in fact, the second Dave is really Larry pretending to be his brother. He even opened up another screen name on AOL and sent me an email that concludes:

I trust that you will promptly take appropriate action.

Indeed I will. And I believe it is appropriate for me to laugh my ass off.

Update #2: Someone is now posting comments at Larry's blog as "Shemp Fafarman". Hysterical.

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Be honest Ed. You made all three dullards up to entertain us. The odds of the genepool creating not three but one numpty like that are [does some spurious / bogus math] beyond the UPB, ergo ED DID IT.

Rich: you can't make such an assertion unless you can do some more spurious/bogus math to prove that there's a greater probability that "EDDIDIT."

On a more serious note, I'm really glad that family has no connection to mine...

"Hi. My name is Larry. This is my brother Dave, and this is my other brother Dave."


By Tracy P. Hamilton (not verified) on 25 May 2006 #permalink

And this, folks, is the fake Dave (the real Dave uses the typekey username Davefxx; the fake one (Larry) uses the typekey username DavidFafarman. The IP address on this one, once again, is - Larry's IP address. The IP on the real one a few minutes ago is I'll post the proof up top momentarily.

Why Shemp? Did Curly and Moe get banned already?

Oh, come on, we all know Shemp was the coolest Stooge...

By George Cauldron (not verified) on 25 May 2006 #permalink