Joseph Farber, RIP

No, you probably don't know who Joseph Farber is. He was one of the attorneys representing the plaintiffs in the Dover ID trial last year and was an associate with the Pepper Hamilton law firm. He died of a brain tumor last week at his home at the age of 34. He was a very talented young attorney with a bright future ahead of him. My condolences go out to his friends and family. Perhaps Nick Matzke will stop by and add some words of his own, since he got to know Farber while working on the case last year. He is survived by a wife and two sons who lost their father far too young.

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That's a real shame. My condolences to the family. This brings back bad memories of my cousin and best friend growing up, who died at about the same age from brain cancer.


He at least got to participate in a landmark case to which he will always be associated with. What sucks is that the Pat Robertsons are going to start spouting their religious bull about how this God taking his vengeance out on the plaintiff side.

"What sucks is that the Pat Robertsons are going to start spouting their religious bull about how this God taking his vengeance out on the plaintiff side."

I was thinking the same thing.

That is incredibly sad.

I wonder if he was working on the Dover case while he was ill? That would have been far above and beyond the call of duty, if so.

(And I immediately thought the same thing about Pat Rovertson too, the sick liitle creep...)