Aww Gribbit, I love You Too

Here is Gribbit's amusing attempt to reply to my post below where I rightly make fun of his ridiculous claim that someone attacked him to get more traffic to their blog:

I'd like to say welcome to all the lefty traffic being sent here from one of the most ignorant individuals on the planet. Mr... never mind, I'm not giving that POS any more traffic than he has already managed to steal using my site meter.

Here's the point now pay attention. I addressed the matter of traffic attacks and the use of blog warring to accomplish that end. And a blog who does get more traffic than I do, a POS lefty is trying to call me on it. Today at 4pm Eastern time, on Wide Awakes Radio, I'm going to be violating a rule of mine. I'm going to tell the world in uncensored language what I think of this individual. So... if you are out there, and you know I'm addressing you, tune in... You are going to be an interesting subject you steaming piece of canine dung.

Hilarious. He still seems to think that he sends me more traffic. The word 'delusional' hardly seems to capture the lunacy of someone who thinks their blog that gets 35 hits a day is going to spike traffic at someone else's blog, especially one who gets that many hits in less than ten minutes. We should come up with a new word for it. I'm so disappointed that I saw his reply too late to listen to the show. I'm sure he called me lots of amusing names. Hell, maybe he even threatened to beat me up. Could he get any more ridiculous if he tried?

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Which I think is quite funny, don't you? I decided that I just had to tune in to his show on Wide Awakes Radio, in the same way that you have to watch people humiliate themselves on a talk show. Man, it's worse than I imagined. This little radio project of theirs is stunningly amateur. His show…
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I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous!" And God granted it.


Could he get any more ridiculous if he tried?

I've spent the last half hour pondering that question, but I haven't been able to come up with anything. I'm gonna say no. He is the clowningest clown who ever clowned. Gotta love it though. It's so unbelievably entertaining.

I really HATE the word "bloviating."

I don't think I've ever hated a word before...

When I go to that site, I get one of those "Click to run an ActiveX control" dialog boxes each time I hit a new page. And trying to scroll down is like attempting to push a block of granite along a sandy beach using only willpower and an erection. I'm telling you, these wacko-right blogs are technical nightmares, almost to a one.

However, it's nice that these kids are getting involved in politics and public affairs. Otherwise they might be sitting around in their parents' basements telling each other whose communist, college-educated, gun-free, light-in-the-loafers ass needs a good kicking. Setting up a podcast or whatever it is just to provide one more impotent bully pulpit sounds like a great allocation of personal resources. These people will go far.

I know it's trite to say this about strangers who wax enraged on the Internet, but Gribbit sounds genuinely unhappy.

Well, against my better judgement, I went to his site. Or rather, I tried to. No luck, or good luck, in any event, it never loaded.

By Mark Paris (not verified) on 20 Jul 2006 #permalink

Sweet. I actually just now checked out Wide Awakes Radio (not sure why there's an "s" at the end of the second word, but I should know better than to ask). When I loaded up the stream, I was treated to two guys chuckling and trying to deal with some kind of technical problem. They decided to have a moment of silence for Sid Barrett when they were interrupted by a caller, who turned out to be Gribbit. Gribbit said Kender put him up to the call and then started cooing, in kind of a queeny voice actually, "Eddddddd-ie! You there, Eddddd-ie!" (This was not unlike Eddie Murphy's imitating a "bush bitch" berating him in an old stand-up, Raw.) The two hosts of whatever show is supposed to come on asked who Eddie was, and Gribbit replied, "Oh, just some moonbat who's been stalking me." Then there was something unintelligible about picking on someone for two hours. I still have the feed going and the two hosts, Dave and what's-his-name, are still trying to fix whatever's wrong. Anyway, all in all this was the most benign personal attack I've ever heard, and the radio show is clearly just as badly in need of technical know-how as is the typical blog of one of its participants.

I addressed the matter of traffic attacks and the use of blog warring to accomplish that end. And a blog who does get more traffic than I do, a POS lefty is trying to call me on it.

This sentence does not compute. What is he saying? Is he admitting that you get more traffic than him or what?

By FishyFred (not verified) on 20 Jul 2006 #permalink

"This sentence does not compute. What is he saying? Is he admitting that you get more traffic than him or what?"

Like I said in the other Gribbit thread, site hits are absolutely vital to these calamitous right-wingers. Critical to ego maintenance, even. Gribbit's use of the term "traffic attack" is evidence of this. Instead of measuring their worth by the size of their stock portfolios or automobiles, like normal men do, these guys strive for the highest possible Alexa rating.

Now, when Gribbit is confronted by a guy with Ed's Sitemeter profile, his mind translates this into an image of himself and Ed in a common shower, and Ed's got this giant pecker swinging back and forth and knocking against the insides of his kneecaps, and Gribbit's shriveled to the point at which his pubes have hidden him from the world. And Ed's laughing as he soaps up and washes his big ol' balls.

So with that compelling image in mind, you can imagine how much rage Gribbit is steeping in right now.

I'm a little disappointed that no one seems to mind Gribbit's insistence that you are a "lefty." I mean, I'm sure you get this all the time from right-wingers, I did before I decided arguing with them was bad for my mental health. But still, I would find it extremely irritating. To refer to you as a moonbat is patently ridiculous.

I listened to part of the show. It was the same rant he's written about--being called a liar and how in "his day" there was something a "man" would do to defend his honor (I guess it is going to Cleveland to fight all comers). But I was much more disturbed by the rhetoric of both Gribble and the host who preceeded him who both advanced basic white-supremacist arguments ("they" are coming and "we" need to protect this land from the hordes, and in particular we need to protect (assumptively white) women.) Laws should be ignored when they don't serve the "American" agenda and liberals are trying to undermine all that is good and pure. Yes, it is comical, but throughout U.S. history there has been a strong undercurrent of this kind of thought that previously could only travel via the secret meetings but is now finding an outlet that has the potential for reaching many more people. So, while I think he and his comrades are clownish, they are also worth keeping an eye on lest their fascistic tendencies grow stronger roots. It is a powerful medicine that they concoct, one of victimage and desperation and one that is easy for people to grasp.


By Polysemous (not verified) on 20 Jul 2006 #permalink

The two hosts of whatever show is supposed to come on asked who Eddie was, and Gribbit replied, "Oh, just some moonbat who's been stalking me." Then there was something unintelligible about picking on someone for two hours.

I don't really have a comment aside from the minor notion that people don't adequately appreciate performance art, and that's a loss in itself.

nicole wrote:

I'm a little disappointed that no one seems to mind Gribbit's insistence that you are a "lefty." I mean, I'm sure you get this all the time from right-wingers, I did before I decided arguing with them was bad for my mental health. But still, I would find it extremely irritating. To refer to you as a moonbat is patently ridiculous.

Actually, I told him that I'm really not much of a leftist in our previous exchange. Not surprisingly, his response was to say "of course you're a leftist, because I say so". To these simpleminded halfwits, there are only two sides - you're either a good conservative, and therefore holy and pure and in favor of all good things, or you're an evil liberal commie pinko Jew-loving nancy boy out to destroy the world at the request of the Evil One himself. That's it. And if you disagree with them on anything at all, you are automatically in the latter group. Your actual positions simply do not matter.

Nicole, there are no trees with this asshole, just a great big friggin forest burning way out of control. Think about it. Here's a guy who fires off an infantile rant from a closed-comment blog. Ed's always perfectly pleased to allow the worst of the blogosphere's cranks to have their rambling say here, but does Gribbit engage him? Shit no, he just "invites" Ed to tune in to yet another one-sided medium where he specifically plans to insult him again. This is not just oddball behavior, it's craven. I'm guessing Gribbit's psychosocial development slammed into a concrete wall when he was maybe 11 or 12, and he's also an idiot. You can't expect a half-retared man-child to appreciate subtleties such as Ed's independent political views in different areas.

I'm a little disappointed that no one seems to mind Gribbit's insistence that you are a "lefty."

Oh now Nicole, when have facts ever gotten in the way of Gribbit's spewings.

Ed, looks that the tiny minority of your readers that went to look first hand created too much traffic for the poor wing-nut and fried his server - his site is down.

Ed, I don't always agree with you, but I at least have read enough of your posts to know that you are by no means a leftist. That could be said only by someone so far to the right that he has fallen off the political scale and must now be rated according to psychiatric standards.

By Mark Paris (not verified) on 21 Jul 2006 #permalink

And of course, I get the same thing from left wing partisan thinkers who can only think in such simple dichotomies. People like Gary Hurd are the liberal equivalent of Gribbit and his merry band of dolts. Hurd is convinced that I'm a tool of the Republican crypto-fascists out to destroy the world in the name of Jesus.

"Hurd is convinced that I'm a tool of the Republican crypto-fascists out to destroy the world in the name of Jesus."

You mean you're not one of us?

That would mean you must be a communist puppy-killing whale-worshipping Kantian nihilist, right?

(For more on the amazing doctrine of Kantian Nihilism, see this:…

He's calling you a "lefty," and less polite names? That pretty well proves he's run out of talking-points. Debate over.

Now you can kick him to the curb along with Larry Whatshisnamethisweek, and play poker with Jennifer Tilley -- a much more pleasant sport for all involved.

So what does POS mean? As in "POS lefty".
Now, lefty though I am, even I have enough brain cells to see that Ed is not a lefty, but what's a POS?

POS = piece of shit. That gives you some idea of just how sophisticated his wit is.