Teach the Controversy!

And you thought that only creationists denied a well established theory? Think again. Tara has attracted the attention of someone who denies the germ theory of disease:

Do some research Tara. Then you will be ready to start from scratch again, forget the germ theory nonsense and become a real scientist.

Read the thread. Anti-germ theorists even have their own fake deathbed conversion story, but from Pasteur instead of Darwin. She has a follow up, which will sound familiar to anyone who has dealt with creationists.

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Dr. Smith is too kind.

I can't think of anything more insulting than being told by an ignoramus to "Do some research" into a field I've devoted my life to.

I would have told him/her off.

If only science had some sort of method that allowed one to sort out bad theories from better ones. Then all these political debates wouldn't be needed.

By Jeff Rients (not verified) on 28 Jul 2006 #permalink

Astounding that the germ theory denialists were never able to marshall anything other than a criticism of germ theory. One would have thought they had their own logical and evidentially-based explanations for the spread of disease. You know, like the creationists have for the development of life.