Making French Fries French Again

3 years ago two Congressmen, Bob Ney of Ohio and Walter Jones of North Carolina, pushed through a rule changing the name of french fries and french toast in the Congressional cafeteria to "freedom fries" and "freedom toast" (liberty cabbage, anyone?). Now, the names have suddenly changed back, and no one is talking about why.

Neither Reps. Bob Ney of Ohio nor Walter B. Jones of North Carolina, the authors of the culinary rebuke, were willing this week to say who led the retreat, as it were, from the frying pan. But retreat there has been, as a casual observer can see for himself in the House's basement cafeterias.

"We don't have a comment for your story," said a spokeswoman for Mr. Ney.

Several Republican staffers and lawmakers suggest that the change isn't worth investigating, unlike the eagerness in March 2003 to get into the headlines about patriotism on the menu.

When they made the change back in 2003, I thought, and still think, that it was the single most asinine thing I had ever seen a legislature do (although it was quickly topped by the idiot Florida legislator who wanted to dig up all the bodies of dead American soldiers in France and bring them home - that's how you stick it to them Frogs). To this day, I think the appropriate response would be a public flogging of the morons who voted for it, preferably on national television.


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Shortly after the "freedom fries" incident, I was in France. When I tried to explain "freedom fries" to a roomful of Parisians, several flatly refused to believe me.
The Theatre of the Absurd, I guess, is cold reality compared to the inner workings of Republican congressmen...

And as I recall, the whole loathing of France thing at the time was because the French stated that there still was no strong evidence for WMD in Iraq and that we should allow the inspectors to do more work before we rushed off to war. Had we listened to them then the world would be a safer place now. We'd be naming apple pies after them!

That was one of the most absurb things I have ever seen. Talk about juvenile.
If you are going to try to make some retarded statement at least make sure you target the right thing.

If I had a relative buried in France at Normandy, I'd have brought him home. Anti-Bush and Anti-American sentiment was so high at that time that some were defacing the gravestones of our soldiers.