Ugly American of the Year: June Griffin

A 67 year old Republican congressional candidate in Tennessee named June Griffin has been arrested for stealing a Mexican flag from a grocery store in an attempt to strike a blow for her twisted version of patriotism. This took place, by the way, in Dayton, Tennessee, where the Scopes trial took place.

She said on July 18 she had noticed a small Mexican flag at an Hispanic grocery in the former Rogers Drug Store.

She stated, "I went in and there was nothing English in the store. There was one man who could not speak a word of English."

She said she was outraged about the Mexican flag, saying it was an "act of war" and it "insulted my citizenship."

Ms. Griffin said as the Hispanic man watched, she tore off the flag from where it was suctioned to the building and left with it.

An act of war? No, lady. I think you're an insult to your citizenship, a twisted little xenophobe who replaces American traditions of liberty with her own self-serving desire to make the whole country look like her. If you don't like the store, don't shop there. You have every right to take your business elsewhere; you don't have any right to steal from them to score ideological points. And I can't wait to see how this excuse flies in court:

Ms. Griffin, who said she will represent herself in court, said it was done openly and was not a theft. She said she later returned the Mexican flag to a police officer.

It was not a theft because she did it "openly" and gave it back to a cop when she was caught? Gosh, I can't imagine why she lost her congressional race. And there's more...

She said she had been to local governments trying without success to get them to ban all but American flags.

Ms. Griffin said the operator of the Days Inn at Dayton "flew a British flag on of all days July 4." She said she went to him to protest the British flag.

She said afterwards "the British flag was torn up in a storm, but the Tennessee and American flag were spared. I took it to be an act of God."

I'd lay money that this story is invented out of thin air. It's exactly the sort of nonsense story passed around by the delusional.

The only thing I'll say in her favor is this: I think it's ridiculous that, in addition to misdemeanor theft and vandalism charges, she's also facing a felony charge of violating the store owner's civil rights. That's a ridiculous charge. She's guilty of theft, though it's a pretty minor theft. She's guilty of being an idiot, but that's not against the law. There is no civil rights issue here and the notion that the law treats that non-existent crime as a felony is ridiculous.

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June Griffin is too much! I work for a well known civil liberties organization... yeah, that one. Our interactions with Ms. Griffin have been entertaining to say the least. Don't miss the clip from her appearance on the Daily Show last year. Classic.

Well, Rev, we already know she has a fool for a client. Pass the popcorn.

"Act of war"? Get over yourself, woman. What's next? Banning the Italian flag logo from a package of Gallo salami? Seems to me I've seen le drapeau tricolore on packages of cheese, as well. And let's hope she's never in New York in mid-March.

Ban all but American flags?--Does that mean banning state flags? How about the little red flags on mailboxes?

Wait, it was SUCTIONED to the building? How big was this flag? Sounds like a miniature one that gets stuck on a window.

I wonder what she thinks of the Christian flags that churches of a certain political orientation often keep at the front of the sanctuary along with a US flag.

Maybe she considers that an "American" flag too.

Ms. Griffin, who said she will represent herself in court


By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 11 Aug 2006 #permalink

Oh boy, she'd be in real trouble if she lived in California. Her head would probably explode like in that movie Scanners (not that the lack of a head would slow her down much).

Regarding my last post, if she does get convicted of the felony (which is a rediculous charge) at least she won't be able to vote anymore

She said afterwards "the British flag was torn up in a storm, but the Tennessee and American flag were spared. I took it to be an act of God."

So... now God is not only an American, but a citizen of Tennessee outraged at limey encroachments on His land? Or does He just go around the globe smiting misplaced flags like some sort of all powerful obsessive compulsive?

Instead of a felony charge Ms. Griffin needs a visit to a mental health facility.

If I may boggle some more...

Griffin actually manages to make Pat Robertson seem well reasoned. Pat's "God will bring a hurricane to blow away all the rainbow flags" statements, stupid/ugly as they are, make some semblance of sense in the context of his "God hates the fags" beliefs. You can at least understand how he got from point A to point B in his thought process. June Griffin, on the other hand, doesn't seem to have a thought process as much as a thought processor shooting a word salad of Fundapublican talking points.

And what the hell is she wearing in that photo? She's just a few epaulets short of dressing up as Napoleon.

Ed said: "I'd lay money that this story is invented out of thin air. It's exactly the sort of nonsense story passed around by the delusional."

Ed, it's all true, she really does exist. I refer to her as Rhea County's "bigot in residence." Stories about her various activities abound. Here's the latest with a picture going to jail in the Herald-News. I wonder if Mexico has a law against descecrating their flag?

In her barrage of letters to the Editor of our local paper, she always refers to gays as Sodomites.

She goes around the state urging county commissions to post the ten commandments in their courthouses. Hamilton County (Chattanooga) discovered the folly in this when it cost them $180,000 in the law suit that required their removal. Even the citizens here in Rhea County aren't fool enough to follow her advice in this matter.

Before running for Congress, she ran for the US Senate and got 2,100 or so votes. When our VP picked his running mate in the 2000 presidential election, she posted on the sign outside her store:


Apparently she forgot that Jesus is Jewish.

Before she convinced the County Commission to "ban gays from Rhea County," (remember your Idiot of the Month Award 03/04?) she convinced them to ban the speaking of any language but English in the county. This produced the same uproar that later banning gays did. Teachers pointed out, for example, that they could not teach French, Spanish or German in High School if they were prohibited from speaking the language in class.

Now, the typical reaction to anything that Ms. June says is to oppose it, based on what has happened in the past. So please don't think that all Rhea County citizens are like Ms. June.

PS: You missed last month's Scope's Trial reenactment. ;-) Regards, Bill

"The only thing I'll say in her favor is this: I think it's ridiculous that, in addition to misdemeanor theft and vandalism charges, she's also facing a felony charge of violating the store owner's civil rights. That's a ridiculous charge. She's guilty of theft, though it's a pretty minor theft. She's guilty of being an idiot, but that's not against the law. There is no civil rights issue here and the notion that the law treats that non-existent crime as a felony is ridiculous."

MORE TO THE STORY.............

Griffin faces a low ranking felony for criminal civil rights intimidation.
That charge came from a message she left on Mejia's phone telling him to learn to speak English or get out. The other charges are all misdemeanors.…

Making that phone call is stupid and juvenile. But it doesn't violate his civil rights, for crying out loud - it's an opinion. This whole notion that someone else's opinion can violate our civil rights is ridiculous and should be done away with completely.