Welcome, Josh Rosenau

ScienceBlogs continues to be the New York Yankees of the blogging world, scooping up every great science blogger in the world (though we're still waiting for one of those $20 million contracts to come around). The latest acquisition is Thoughts from Kansas, Josh Rosenau's excellent blog that focuses on evolution and, in particular, on Kansas. Josh will make an excellent addition to the lineup. So welcome, Josh.

A couple tips to help you get along here: don't leave a mess around your locker or Katherine will yell at you. And don't bother Tim with technical problems until he's had his coffee in the morning.

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I'm no Jason Giambi.... I was asked to join scienceblogs a while back, and actually intended to say yes, but got busy and... well, I dunno. I kinda like being independent :) I'm one of those control freaks who gets nervous when things aren't on a server I run. I do the same with all software support for my class-- it's all Perl stuff I wrote myself, rather than blackboard or any other thing whose license is liable to be revoked mid-class.

Plus, I'm an A's fan, and thus have Yankeephobia, and am still mad at Jason Giambi for deserging the A's whatever year that was.

On a more serious note -- scienceblogs is maybe getting too big? I used to keep up with most of the blogs here, but there are getting to be more of them than I have time to keep up with.
